Retrogamecoding(.org) => Examples => Topic started by: JSM on November 17, 2012, 08:37:42 PM

Title: 3d graphics library for NaaLaa
Post by: JSM on November 17, 2012, 08:37:42 PM
as some of you may know NaaLaa does contain commands for displaying 3d graphics through its own software renderer. the commands are not listed in the NaaLaa 5 docs, but they will be back in NaaLaa 6 in enhanced form. the commands are very OpenGL 1.1 like and therefor not very friendly for new beginners.

so i have begun working on a(nother) library. this one removes all the OpenGL like commands and just lets you load meshes and add objects, instances of meshes, to a world. you can set the positions and orientations of these objects, change their textures and shaders.

i start with a very simple example, using the unfinished library named Soft3D.

is 3d graphics of any NaaLaa programmer's interest, i better ask? it is not difficult to write simple 3d games, all you add is another dimension/coordinate :)
Title: Re: 3d graphics library for NaaLaa
Post by: cvirus on November 18, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
This is great, i like it, thanks jsm. :D
Title: Re: 3d graphics library for NaaLaa
Post by: kevin on November 18, 2012, 02:58:12 PM
The example is very impressive JSM, and I would think that this is a good direction to go in..... saying that, personally I will want to work to get more experience in the current NaaLaa offerings before I go onto "new" options, but this will be something for me to look forward to...good luck with it.
Title: Re: 3d graphics library for NaaLaa
Post by: Mopz on November 21, 2012, 09:03:43 AM
Good idea with objects. Maybe 3d transformations doesn't come natural for new beginners after all ...  :P

Did you ever use AMOS 3D? Your lib is already capable of mimicking some examples from there, like the little space shooter game.
Title: Re: 3d graphics library for NaaLaa
Post by: JSM on January 12, 2013, 10:25:15 AM (

3d pong test using the still half finished Soft3D lib.