Basicprogramming(.org) => Code and examples => Topic started by: B+ on January 29, 2018, 02:11:00 AM
Hi Galileo, maybe you have something like this?
'goldwave by johnno copied and mod 2018-01-28
dark1 = rgb(0,0,32)
dark2 = rgb(0,32,0)
dark3 = rgb(32,0,0)
for t=1 to 60 step .1 '< changed
cls 'changed
'rect 0,0,600,600 color dark3 filled
For y1 = 0 to 24
For x1 = 0 to 24
d= ((10-x1)^2+(10-y1)^2)^.5
if t>10 and t<20 then h=60*sin(y1/4+t)+65
if t>20 and t<30 then h=60*sin((x1-y1)/4+t)+65
if t>30 and t<40 then h=30*sin(x1/2+t)+30*sin(y1/2+t)+65
if t>40 and t<50 then h=60*sin((x1+y1)/4+t)+65
if t>50 and t<60 then h=60*sin(d*.3+t)+65
p1 = [x,y-h,x+10,y+5-h,x+20,y-h,x+10,y-5-h]
drawpoly p1 color rgb(242+.1*h,242+.1*h,h) filled '< changed
p2 = [x,y-h,x+10,y+5-h,x+10,y,x,y-5]
drawpoly p2 color rgb(255,80,0) filled
p3 = [x+10,y+5-h,x+10,y,x+20,y-5,x+20,y-h]
drawpoly p3 color rgb(255,150,0) filled
'if inkey$ = chr$(27) then end '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is THE time killer
showpage '< changed
delay 20 '<changed
Hi B+. Yeah, years ago I converted this code from BASIC-256 to Yabasic. However, Yabasic's "graphic engine" has only the ability to perform very simple animations, so the result is not good.
P.D.Translation from Spanish to English using the magnificent DeepL.
Ha! just so happens I was looking at Basic 256 today, I see this must be Johnno's source for a number of things.
Now this looks familiar... lol
Hey Johnno!
Here are some QB64 guys playing around with this and similar code: