' Much better wavy.txt
' written for Naalaa 6 by bplus 2018-07-18
wW 512
wH 512
pi# = acos#(-1.0)
set window 100, 20, wW, wH
wln "B+ "
wln "..."
p[21][ 21]
for y = 0 to 16
for x = 0 to 16
if pixeli(x, y) <> pixeli(0, 10) then p[x + 3][ y + 3] = 1
'check array, good!
'for y = 0 to 19
' for x = 0 to 19
' if p[x][y] = 1
' set color 0, 0, 255
' draw rect 100 + x, 100 + y, 1, 1
' endif
' next
'wait keydown
set redraw off
r = 1 ; phase# = 0.0; loopCount = 0; d = 1
while 1
set color 0, 0, 0
draw rect 0, 0, wW, wH, true
loopCount = loopCount + 1
if loopCount = 10
loopCount = 0
r = r + d
if r > 15 or r < 2 then d = d * -1
for y = 1 to 20
for x = 1 to 20
'this syncs all the string angles from the grid points
phase# = phase# + pi# / 40.0
' Sorry the following is still pretty hairy looking: 18.0 = 360 / 20 ie the circle divided into 20 even sections.
' The following calculates the other end of all the strings which is the origin of the swinging balls (xs, ys).
' The points have a distance of 20 and the strings are also 20 pixels long.
' The 40 is an offset to provide a margin for the point grid.
xs = 40 + 20 * x + int(20.0 * cos#(pi# / 180.0 * (phase# + (float(x) + float(y)) * 18.0)))
ys = 40 + 20 * y + int(20.0 * sin#(pi# / 180.0 * (phase# + (float(x) + float(y)) * 18.0)))
set color 255, 255, 255
draw line 40 + 20 * x, 40 + 20 * y, xs, ys
if p[x][y]
set color 0, 0, 255
set color 255, 255, 255
draw ellipse xs, ys, r, r, true
wait 100