Money would've done the trick quickly but Russians are miserly in everything that's not related directly to their bellies.'t mak
Possibly, but it doesn't change the situation - things are as they are.
Nope. In fact the distance between Windows XP and ReactOS is getting smaller and smaller with every passing day.
Win XP, you say? That's great, but I was talking about Windows in general and that only proves my point. When ReactOS project started Win XP hadn't been even released. Today it's a pretty old system that is slowly disappearing. And they're still trying to get there.
Nope again. It's a matter of taste. I'm spending 50% of my coding time in Windows Classic under every Windows OS build I have. But if you want some system-wide skinning, ReactOS has been ready to offer you some for a few years alredy (the images I'm posting date back to 2013/14):
I'm not gonna argue about it. It's a matter of taste.

What do you mean, modern?
Really? The ones that are being created (or even think of) now, for example? That includes the new versions of existing programs.
Nope again. XP will work but 98 very likely won't. ReactOS has a WinNT kernel -- the best the mankind has been able to develop so far.
No Win 98!? I loved that system. Much more than XP!

(I'm serious)
Nope all the time. Tip of the day: did you know that MS is still automatically upgrading their XP customers? All ATM machines in my country are using Windows XP as their OS and I'm not hearing of any plans for the situation to change any time soon. 
And what? Is the XP in these machines going to be replaced by ReactOS? The new ATM machines will come with ReactOS? I can't see your point.
Nope all the way. Wine derives much from ReactOS and vice versa. The cooperation is very, very close. But Wine is nothing but a VM (whatever they may claim) always having ready-made solutions from its underlying Linux layer while ReactOS works with bare metal. The complexity of the tasks is simply incongruous.
This is how things may look in theory, but not so long ago I was listening to the podcast where people did compare ReactOS and Wine. They noticed a progress, as they were finally able to install and run ReactOS, but Wine,
in practice, still offered much more compability. And no - I can't give you a link to that podcasts as I listen to tons of podcasts and I do not take any notes about what I heard where. You can simply believe me or assume that I'm lying and call me a liar and a troll. Up tp you.