Retrogamecoding(.org) > BrowserBasic

Looking for a logo for BrowserBasic

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SteveOW suggested that BrowserBasic could use a logo.
So, since I can't draw a crooked line I am hoping that someone here could come up with a logo.
The winning design's author gets .... uhm... the winner gets... to know that their design was the winning one. :P

Yes, of course, here's a breakfast-cereals-gay-style logo :)

I'm just messing with ya, since this basic of yours'll kick naalaa's ass on the web ;)



--- Quote from: Mopz on June 29, 2013, 07:49:52 AM ---Yes, of course, here's a breakfast-cereals-gay-style logo :)

I'm just messing with ya, since this basic of yours'll kick naalaa's ass on the web ;)

--- End quote ---
Haha, (C) by the KELLOG company ...
BTW, Marcus, what programs do you use for image manipulation (aside from NaaLaa)?

Or you can use naalaa and the image manipulation lib to generate a logo :)

--- Code: ---import "ImageManipulation.lib"


rem Create font.
create font 0, "arial", 72, true

rem Create texture with the midpoint displacement thingie.
proc MD_GenerateImage TEXTURE_IMG, 129, 1.0, 0.1, 3
proc Blur TEXTURE_IMG, 16, true

rem Create logo image.
create image LOGO_IMG, 416, 72

set image LOGO_IMG
set color 255, 255, 255
wln "BrowserBasic"
proc MakeColorTransparent LOGO_IMG, 0, 0, 0
proc PatternFill LOGO_IMG, TEXTURE_IMG
proc Bevel LOGO_IMG, 2, 2, 200
proc Multiply LOGO_IMG, 1.0, 1.0, 1.2
proc ChangeBrightness LOGO_IMG, 24
proc ChangeContrast LOGO_IMG, 1.2
proc DropShadow LOGO_IMG, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 200

set image primary
set color 255, 255, 255
draw image 0, 100, 100

wait keydown

rem ==================================================================
rem Generate image. contrast and smooth should both be in the
rem range [0..1].
rem ==================================================================
procedure MD_GenerateImage(img, size, contrast#, smooth#, seed)
a#[][] = MD_Generate(size, contrast, smooth, seed)
create image img, size, size
set image img
for y = 0 to size - 1
for x = 0 to size - 1
i = int(a[x][y]*255.0)
set color i, i, i
set pixel x, y
set image primary

rem ==================================================================
rem Generate array with elements in the range [0..1].
rem ==================================================================
function MD_Generate#[][](size, contrast#, smooth#, seed)
randomize seed
contrast = min#(contrast, 1.0)
contrast = max#(contrast, 0.0)
smooth = min#(smooth, 1.0)
smooth = max#(smooth, 0.0)
smooth = 1.0 - smooth
md[0][0] = 0.5 + contrast*float(rnd(100))*0.01 - contrast*0.5
md[size - 1][0] = 0.5 + contrast*float(rnd(100))*0.01 - contrast*0.5
md[size - 1][size - 1] = 0.5 + contrast*float(rnd(100))*0.01 - contrast*0.5
md[0][size - 1] = 0.5 + contrast*float(rnd(100))*0.01 - contrast*0.5
proc MD_Rec md, 0, 0, size - 1, size - 1, contrast, smooth
return md

rem ==================================================================
rem Recursive step.
rem ==================================================================
procedure MD_Rec(&md#[][], xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, contrast#, smooth#)
if xmax - xmin <= 1 then return
if ymax - ymin <= 1 then return
hw = (xmin + xmax)/2
hh = (ymin + ymax)/2
md[hw][hh] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmax][ymin] + md[xmax][ymax] + md[xmin][ymax])*0.25 + contrast*float(rnd(100))*0.01 - contrast*0.5
md[hw][hh] = max#(md[hw][hh], 0.0)
md[hw][hh] = min#(md[hw][hh], 1.0)
md[xmin][hh] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmin][ymax])*0.5
md[xmax][hh] = (md[xmax][ymin] + md[xmax][ymax])*0.5
md[hw][ymin] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmax][ymin])*0.5
md[hw][ymax] = (md[xmin][ymax] + md[xmax][ymax])*0.5
proc MD_Rec md, xmin, ymin, hw, hh, contrast*smooth, smooth
proc MD_Rec md, hw, ymin, xmax, hh, contrast*smooth, smooth
proc MD_Rec md, xmin, hh, hw, ymax, contrast*smooth, smooth
proc MD_Rec md, hw, hh, xmax, ymax, contrast*smooth, smooth
--- End code ---


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