do you really think that most people know how to create partition,set flags etc...
things got worst when people try dual-boot windows/linux
How many more times do I need to repeat that
all these things will be done automatically by the installation manager? All you need to do is set the size of a new partition if you choose the second option. Did you understand what I said? There are three option to choose from:
1. Use the entire disk (it will wipe existing operating system(s)).
2. Create a new partition and make your machine dual-boot (all you need to set is a size of the new partition and the rest will be done for you by installation manager).
3. Chose existing partitions without doing anything to the rest of the disk. This option also make your machine dual-boot and this is the option I used last time.
Linux is not Ubuntu based, but Ubuntu based distros are the easiest to install and use. Yeah, Mint is my "beloved" distro, because I just told you I moved to LXLE... Great logic.
Of course that problem may happen. I don't know how old is your machine, but are you sure that you would install Windows 8 (or 7 - you still use XP, righ?) on it without problems? Mint doesn't work (I hope it's not Mint 7 you were talking about some time ago...) on your machine. It happens. Bad for you. But don't say that because it doesn't work on your machine it won't work on someone else's.
EDIT: In the meantime I compiled QB64. Yes, it was "extremely painful" process, took me "ages" to complete and, of course, "nothing" works.