Author Topic: New version released; v0.6  (Read 27668 times)


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2013, 02:40:11 PM »
I will try to produce a linux version as well from now on.

would that work on Android.?(please excuse my ignorance)


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2013, 09:43:58 PM »
I am not aware of any linux ports to the AndroidOS.
Most applications that run on Android are programmed with the Java SDK and combined with the Android SDk to produce and .apk file which can then be run.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2013, 06:59:24 PM »
Android Linux supports both native C/C++/... development or the mainstream Java VM.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2013, 07:43:44 AM »
I read that GL Basic runs on Android.
Maybe GL Basic on Android can create a BB compiler executable which also runs on Android?
But I dont know what IDE could be used on Android in place of Geany or ProgrammersNotepad to do the actual edit and compile of BrowserBasic code.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2013, 09:03:33 AM »
Many of the cross platform solutions for game programming today are "simple programs" that open a webview that runs a html5/js game. Putting something together that transform BB code with some assets into an apk for android would probably not be impossible. If one would like to upload and sell games on Google Play, I mean.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2013, 11:40:58 AM »

As developer of Browzic my target user is Joe who wants to program an app in one kind of Basic, with one kind of IDE and produce one kind (HTML5/JS) of executable or "runnable" which can be accessed by many different users/players thru many kinds of web-browsers (which all comply with a common global standard).

I had not thought of Joe wanting to sell his games.
If so I would prefer to give Joe some way of "copy-locking" an HTML5/JS game to prevent copying and then sell it from wherever.
One of way of "copy-locking" is to rely on the honesty of the purchaser.
I dont know much about any other way.
Maybe a BB-to-APK transformation, plus GooglePlay store, like you describe, would be the way to go.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2013, 11:57:16 AM »
There's also the other way: making out of a BB game a desktop application. It's really easy using node webkit:
Updates are made regularly maybe because
It's created and developed in the Intel Open Source Technology Center.

(I really need to take the time to code in BrowserBasic soon...)


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2013, 12:19:53 PM »
There's also the other way: making out of a BB game a desktop application. It's really easy using node webkit:

I see that
You can write native apps in HTML and Javascript with node-webkit.

Interesting but I am not entirely sure why you would want to do this when you can simply run BB-produced html file in a browser.
Maybe it gives better performance?
Maybe it lets you make an exe which cannot easilly be reversed engineered?

But it doesnt (currently) seem to support Android OS.
Also, by dropping out of the browser some functionality might be lost?


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #38 on: August 30, 2013, 05:37:17 PM »

As developer of Browzic my target user is Joe who wants to program an app in one kind of Basic, with one kind of IDE and produce one kind (HTML5/JS) of executable or "runnable" which can be accessed by many different users/players thru many kinds of web-browsers (which all comply with a common global standard).

I had not thought of Joe wanting to sell his games.
If so I would prefer to give Joe some way of "copy-locking" an HTML5/JS game to prevent copying and then sell it from wherever.
One of way of "copy-locking" is to rely on the honesty of the purchaser.
I dont know much about any other way.
Maybe a BB-to-APK transformation, plus GooglePlay store, like you describe, would be the way to go.

Not even an imaginary "Joe" would appreciate his work being copied and sold.

Or maybe I'm just old and sick of the gaming industries :)


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BrowserBasic Local WebServer
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2013, 06:56:41 PM »
Some time ago I tried setting up the BrowserBasic Wireless WebServer (as described in the manual).
It worked.
It serves html files to my android tablet.
Great. :D

Recently found that (on a PC) Chrome and Opera wont let me access locally-stored files the way that Firefox does. :(
There is a way to reconfigure Chrome (with a special command line switch) but it is said to be risky if you use the same session to view other web sites (they can use it to get stuff from your PC).
The recommended option is to install and run your own local web server.
I trawled the internet and found lots of advice but it all looked a bit fiddly and high maintenance.
Then I thought, I wonder if BB wireless web server is visible on the same PC.
It is! :D :D

This seems too good to be true.

Dumb question: Is my browser accessing the local webserver thru internal PC communications or is it getting it from the wireless signal?

« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 07:04:53 PM by SteveOW »


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2013, 11:38:47 AM »
Thanks for the information regarding Android Linux.

Is my browser accessing the local webserver thru internal PC communications or is it getting it from the wireless signal?
I believe it is from the wireless.


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BrowserBasic webserver
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2014, 07:46:25 PM »

I want to run a local webserver that can serve files to a browser running on the same local machine (in my case a Windows7 PC) but without wireless broadacsting.

When I disable my PC's wireless hardware device the BrowserBasic webserver continues serving files OK.

It would be nice to have the option to run it but without broadcasting wireless, e.g. by passing a parameter when launching the .exe from a .bat file.

Can you suggest how I might go about doing this?
I have looked into setting up local webservers but so far havent found anything simple.

====== EDIT ================

Got Apache installed and running on my Win7 PC and serving files OK.
It doesnt do wireless.  It was a bit fiddly to install.
Whereas the BrowserBasic server installation seemed to just be a matter of downloading the .exe.
I am intrigued to know how it works and how it was made.  Does it use IIS I wonder?

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:32:25 PM by SteveOW »


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2014, 12:16:39 AM »
Hi SteveOW,

The program just uses sockets.
It opens a TCP socket.
Binds the socket to port 80.
Then listens for incoming connections on port 80.
When your browser attempts to connect to the IP address,
it defaults to port 80.
The programs accepts the connection.
Then any HTTP requests are processed by the program.
Well not too many HTTP commands are supported, but GET is one of them.
(e.g. GET /index.html)
The program processes the GET command and checks to see if the file requested exists.
If it does exist, then file is streamed out the socket.

It is a very simple web server, it can not do ASP or CGI or anything along those lines.
Nor are many HTTP commands implemented.  It can not POST, there are no cookies.  Only the minimum to spit out an HTML 5 game file.


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Re: New version released; v0.6
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2014, 05:55:26 PM »

Many thanks for the details.

Prompted me to code my very own web server
(using VB6, Winsock and tips I found here: 
It took less than 30 minutes. 
I never realized it would be so easy. :)