Author Topic: First impression  (Read 3062 times)

Roland Chastain

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First impression
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:49:13 AM »
Hello gentlemen !

I have just discovered EGSL, and I would like to congratulate the author. I tested it under Windows 8. The IDE is simple, clean and easy to use. The examples are nice (I mean the code and also the result).

The only correction I would wish to see in a future release, is that the IDE would remember the last directory opened. (I saw that another user already complained about that.)

Here is a Lua script of mine, quickly adapted to EGSL. :)

Code: [Select]
-- Nom du fichier : oudin.lua
-- Date de Pâques par l'algorithme d'Oudin
-- Roland Chastain 26/02/2014

function div(a, b)
  return math.floor(a / b)

Y ="*t").year

G = Y % 19
C = div(Y, 100)
C4 = div(C, 4)
E = div(8 * C + 13, 25)
H = (19 * G + C - C4 - E + 15) % 30
K = div(H, 28)
P = div(29, H + 1)
Q = div(21 - G, 11)
I = (K * P * Q - 1) * K + H
B = Y + div(Y, 4)
J1 = B + I + 2 + C4 - C
J2 = J1 - 7 * div(J1, 7)
R = 28 + I - J2

if R < 32 then
  D = R
  M = "mars"
  D = R - 31
  if D == 1 then
    D = "1er"
  M = "avril"

print("En " .. Y .. ", le dimanche de P" .. string.char(131) .. "ques est le "
  .. D .. " " .. M .. ".")


if R < 32 then
  D = R
  M = 3
  D = R - 31
  M = 4

screen(320, 200, 0, "Date of Easter")
backcolour (0, 0, 0)

loadmonofont("monofonts/Courier New Regular 10.bmp")
colour(255, 255, 255)
monotext(0, 0, "Current year : "..Y)
monotext(0, 15, "Date of Easter : ""%m/%d", os.time{year=Y, month=M, day=D}))


P.-S. The games (Astrorocks, Brickmaster and Wallman) are really beautiful.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 04:42:17 PM by Roland Chastain »


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Re: First impression
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 07:55:43 PM »
Thanks for your kind words. You may know that EGSL development has stopped. The successor will be PulsarLua which is being actively developed now. PulsarLua does not have its own IDE, yet and it's unlikely that I will code one myself and therefore I encourage to use third party editors. (Maybe we will have an integration with the ZeroBrane IDE eventually).

Roland Chastain

  • Guest
Re: First impression
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 09:17:05 PM »
Thank you for the informations. I will have a look at PulsarLua.