Retrogamecoding(.org) > CybermonkeyLua

New Version Uploaded


Today I uploaded version 1.3 of ChipmonkeyLua. What's new?

* deleteline
* insertline
* overall a more advanced edit system
* added a “colors.conf” for default text and background colours
* 1st line: background colour
* 2nd line: text colourThe colour value must range from 0 to 65535. if you want to convert an RGB value, start CMLua and type

--- Code: ---print (hrgb(red,green,blue))
--- End code ---

I am really happy with the new line input. Now you can use the cursor keys to change what you've typed, also POS1 and END are possible.

Short tutorial how to change the colors without external editor:

ChipmonkeyLua 1.3 works 100% on ReactOS 0.3.16


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