Retrogamecoding(.org) > Examples

Raycaster map through new lib

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Hi Mopz,

Your demos keep getting better and better.

I agree with Cybermonkey regarding the motion when turning; it makes me a bit sea sick.

In looking at the sourcecode for the example, it is cool to see how little code is required.
Just load a map and add some controls for player movement.
I am curious how you modified the rc editor to allow for height.
I liked the spiral ramp in the demo map.
Being able to place lights would be a great addition.
What type of models and or billboards do you hope to support?

Hm, I just thought if it might be possible to port that library to Pascal. You are only using default OpenGL/freeglut functions?


--- Quote from: Guilect on July 13, 2014, 03:15:51 PM ---Hi Mopz,

Your demos keep getting better and better.

I agree with Cybermonkey regarding the motion when turning; it makes me a bit sea sick.

In looking at the sourcecode for the example, it is cool to see how little code is required.
Just load a map and add some controls for player movement.
I am curious how you modified the rc editor to allow for height.
I liked the spiral ramp in the demo map.
Being able to place lights would be a great addition.
What type of models and or billboards do you hope to support?

--- End quote ---

Thanks :) I've been sick for a couple of days, so there's not much else to do than to stay in bed and try to program. Probably back to work tomorrow.

The raycaster editor is not used anymore, but you can import such maps. I've written a new editor (see attached image) where you edit while running around :) I precalculate all lighting, so that the map can be rendered fast. So you'll be able to add light and darkness in some way. I've written loaders for my own mesh format and will include an old modelling program for generating those. Other than that I think I'll just go with OBJ for static things in the map and MD2 for characters. What do you mean with "billboards" in this case? For me, a "billboard" is just an image always turned in the player's direction :)


--- Quote from: Cybermonkey on July 13, 2014, 03:41:41 PM ---Hm, I just thought if it might be possible to port that library to Pascal. You are only using default OpenGL/freeglut functions?

--- End quote ---

Yes, if you look at TD.txt most calls starting with _gl end up as normal OpenGL calls in the end. So most of it you can probably just move to pascal. But they go through a naalaa extension, gl_next. If necessary I or John will uppdate the c-part of the extension later to a less ancient OpenGL version.


Hope you feel better.
I like the idea of walking around and making the level.
For billboards, I guess I just meant 2d sprites in general.
They would be good for HUD's, text, and such things.


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