Retrogamecoding(.org) > Pulsar2D

Pulsar2D is still alive ...

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Roland Chastain:


Congratulations for your work. I love this project! I tested successfully (under Windows 10) the FreeBASIC and the Lua examples. For the Free Pascal examples, I need SDL2 unit and don't know where to find it. I tried one that I have found somewhere but it seems it wasn't the good one. Anyway, I will follow the development of the project with interest and will certainly use it.

What is exactly the difference between "Pulsar2D" and "PulsarLua"? I would say that Pulsar2D is a library, usable with different compilers, and PulsarLua is an interpreter based on Pulsar2D. Is it correct?

Good continuation!  ;)

Thanks, and yes, Pulsar2D is the name for the framework, whereas PulsarLua is the Lua interpreter which uses Pulsar2D.  ;)
With the next release (coming soon  - with the new built-in font) I will add a readme for Pascal, how to compile and where to find the SDL2 headers.
Here is the link to the github project:
Compile PulsarLua or any example like this:

--- Code: ---fpc example.pas -Sd
--- End code ---

Roland Chastain:
Works perfectly. Thank you.  :)

Roland Chastain:
Not very important, but here the PulsarLua window has no icon. It's the Win32 binary downloaded on this page:

In Windows Explorer no problem.

Oh, this is because you have to/can set it yourself within the script/program. Load an image with image=loadimage("blabla.png") and use seticon (image).


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