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--- Quote ---Case-sensitive sorts are now over 20% faster
--- End quote ---

that sounds great JJ
i am wondering is it possible on reletive easy way to made fast tokenizer or maybe
even complete interpreter using MASM + MasmBasic to one standalone exe?
what you think about that?

Hi Aurel,

MasmBasic is strong on strings (but a bit weak on numbers). So yes, a fast tokeniser would be possible.

With Recall somefile, some$() you load your source into a string array, then you need to parse each line for labels, keywords, arguments etc.

Instr() is your friend. And many more functions; besides, you can use plain assembler, too. These functions are really, really fast, about twice as fast as equivalent C code.

Do you have an example of a source using your interpreted language?

no i don't have
i have things written in o2
but then i can use o2 assembly even i think that is not fast as masm
and of course i don't know assembly programming
in first place i am just wondering...ok ?


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