But just ignore those that want to complain and argue about almost anything.
I can do it easily, but what about moderators/administrators who delete
my posts/topics only because
someone else started trolling?
As Ed already wrote, I enjoyed your posts very much. It looked promising, and I am genuinely interested in the topic, which you certainly understand when looking at my second version, where the occurrence is weighted by the length of the words.
I know you're interested in the topic, but well... the topic has been wiped out. As I said above - this is what I can't understand. It was the same problem with BP.org. One member started trolling, so let's close/remove the whole topic.
BTW Thanx guys! It's good to know that some people are interested in the same things I am.
EDIT jj, all the sources I posted are gone, so do you want me to send them to you? They are very similar (it's the same code translated to other languages), so if you still have the Python version, you've got everything you need.
Tomaaz, would you check this rosetta code? http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Associative_array/Iteration#Pike
it don't work for me.
I was finally able to check this example. It works but you need to add main() function and remove badly inserted comments:
void main() {
mapping(string:string) m = ([ "A":"a", "B":"b", "C":"c" ]);
foreach(m; string key; string value)
foreach(m; string key;)
foreach(m;; string value)
Here you can find information about
foreach loop.
Was that the problem or did you mean something else?