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OK. I'm not the biggest fan of programming tools that need to be paid for. However, Pure Basic comes with very good 'demo' version, so I decided to give it a try. To be honest it won't be the first time. I tried it several years ago, but at that moment I had found it to complex. Today it seems rather simple. It looks like I did a good job experimenting with different languages. ;) Anyway. Is anyone using this compiler?

Hi Tomaaz,
I don't use the compiler, but they have a remarkable resource: the only detailed help for Gdi+ that I could find so far. Unfortunately only in French 8)

Hi Tomaaz,

i must admit that I am no fan of those tools as well, if I have to pay and if they are not open source. So I do not use PureBasic. Thanks for your post.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that charging for programs is something bad. I just think that some kind of software should be free. This is not because I say so, but because this is a general trend. Web browsers are the most obvious example. IMHO, the same applies to programming languages, as the most important ones are free.

That is not my point as well. I have no problem to pay for a software, because the author(s) had some work and that should be appreciated. For me the point is, that free software is a philosophy which I like and I don't do that, because it does not cost me money. I like it, because it is free. That is one reason, why I like Linux.


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