I used Node-Webkit (now known as NW.js) to build desktop applications.
Look here: http://nwjs.io/
OK. I've tried it. It's very slow on Linux. Takes ages to run simple "Hello World" example.
It seems to be a bit faster on my Win 10 machine. Yes, it takes several seconds to start, but apart from that it seems to be something I was looking for. Thanx a lot, Cybermonkey!
...and do you can show us your example Cyb?.
Aurel, it basically takes your HTML/CSS/JavaScript code and run it in a standalone window. Plus you get functions that can interact with your operating system. This example simply draws Mandelbrot Set in a standalone window, but it places the window in a specific position, set its width and height and checks if the directory named "mandelbrot" exists (if not, it is created):
<!DOCTYPE html>
var win = nw.Window.get();
win.x = 100;
win.y = 20;
win.width = 920;
win.height = 620;
fs = require('fs');
if (!(fs.existsSync('mandelbrot'))) {
var kat = fs.mkdirSync('mandelbrot');
var x = 0;
function aktywuj() {
plotno = document.getElementById("rysunek");
zawartosc = plotno.getContext("2d");
zawartosc.fillStyle = "#000000";
t = setTimeout("rysuj()", 1);
function rysuj() {
plotno = document.getElementById("rysunek");
zawartosc = plotno.getContext("2d");
przelx = 3 / 900;
przely = 2 / 600;
for (y = 0; y < 600; y++) {
c = 0;
a = 0;
b = 0;
z = 0;
x2 = (x - 450) / 150;
y2 = (y - 300) / 150;
while (c < 128 && z < 4) {
a2 = a * a - b * b;
b2 = 2 * a * b;
a = a2 + x2;
b = b2 + y2;
z = a * a + b * b;
c = c + 1;
p = c * 12;
if (p > 255) {
p = 0;
k = c * 8;
if (k > 255) {
k = 0;
l = c * 4;
if (l > 255) {
l = 0;
m = l.toString();
n = k.toString();
o = p.toString();
kol = "rgb(" + m + "," + n + "," + o + ")";
zawartosc.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
if (x < 900) {
t = setTimeout("rysuj()", 1);
<body onload = "aktywuj()">
<canvas id="rysunek" width="900" height="600"></canvas>