'Rubic 4.txt for Just Basic v2 B+ started 2018-05-27 revised again
' post 2018-05-29 edited 2-3 times swap faces at bootom cube view and spin bottom face
' from Rubic 3.txt
'now for my next trick, 3D
global xmax, ymax, pi, cmd$, record$, c6, s6
xmax = 606
ymax = 450
pi = acs(-1)
c6 = 30 * cos(pi/6)
s6 = 30 * sin(pi/6)
WindowWidth = xmax + 8
WindowHeight = ymax + 32
UpperLeftX = (1200 - xmax) / 2
UpperLeftY = (700 - ymax) / 2
open "Rubic 4, press h for help..." for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr
#gr "setfocus"
#gr "trapclose quit"
#gr "when leftButtonUp lButtonUp"
#gr "when characterInput charIn"
#gr "down"
#gr "fill 115 115 115"
#gr "size 3"
dim fx(5) : dim fy(5)
fx(0) = 120 : fy(0) = 180
fx(1) = 210 : fy(1) = 180
fx(2) = 300 : fy(2) = 180
fx(3) = 30 : fy(3) = 180
fx(4) = 120 : fy(4) = 90
fx(5) = 120 : fy(5) = 270
dim c(53) '54 colors for squares
dim l$(53) 'labels for squares = original index
dim spin(8)
dim spinl$(8)
for i = 0 to 53
f = int(i / 9)
select case f
case 0 : c(i) = 40 ' front face is green
case 1 : c(i) = 700 ' right face red
case 2 : c(i) = 8 ' back face blue
case 3 : c(i) = 940 ' left face orange
case 4 : c(i) = 999 ' top face white (which is why the black background
case 5 : c(i) = 990 ' bottom face yellow
end select
l$(i) = str$(i)
call update
#gr "flush"
' ====================================== procedures this window
sub quit H$
close #gr
end sub
sub lButtonUp H$, mx, my
call quit H$
end sub
sub charIn H$, c$
'notice "*";c$;"*" 'debug 2nd character not found in INSTR, also 4th????
'nstr$ = "1 2 3" 'there is some kind of bug such that the 2nd and 4th position in string is not found
if c$ = "h" then call help
if instr("xyz",c$) then cmd$ = c$
if (c$ = "1" or c$ = "2" or c$ = "3") and cmd$ <> "" then
call cwRotate c$
cmd$ = ""
end if
if c$ = "s" then call solve
if c$ = "q" then call quit H$
end sub
sub cwRotate level$
select case cmd$
case "x"
select case level$
case "1"
call cs 0, 3, 6, 36, 39, 42, 26, 23, 20, 45, 48, 51
call spinFace 3
case "2"
call cs 1, 4, 7, 37, 40, 43, 25, 22, 19, 46, 49, 52
case "3"
call cs 2, 5, 8, 38, 41, 44, 24, 21, 18, 47, 50, 53
call spinFace 1
end select
case "y"
select case level$
case "1"
call cs 0, 1, 2, 27, 28, 29, 18, 19, 20, 9, 10, 11
call spinFace 4
case "2"
call cs 3, 4, 5, 30, 31, 32, 21, 22, 23, 12, 13, 14
case "3"
call cs 33, 34, 35, 24, 25, 26, 15, 16, 17, 6, 7, 8
call spinFace 5
end select
case "z"
select case level$
case "1"
call spinFace 0 'ok
call cs 42, 43, 44, 9, 12, 15, 47, 46, 45, 35, 32, 29
case "2"
call cs 10, 13, 16, 50, 49, 48, 34, 31, 28, 39, 40, 41
case "3"
call cs 36, 37, 38, 11, 14, 17, 53, 52, 51, 33, 30, 27
call spinFace 2
end select
end select
record$ = record$ + cmd$;level$ + " "
call update
end sub
' ====================================== JB Library of procedures
sub rgb n3
s3$ = right$("000";str$(n3), 3)
r = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 1, 1)) + 3
g = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 2, 1)) + 3
b = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 3, 1)) + 3
#gr "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
#gr "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub frgb n3
s3$ = right$("000";str$(n3), 3)
r = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 1, 1)) + 3
g = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 2, 1)) + 3
b = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 3, 1)) + 3
#gr "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub brgb n3
s3$ = right$("000";str$(n3), 3)
r = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 1, 1)) + 3
g = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 2, 1)) + 3
b = 28 * val(mid$(s3$, 3, 1)) + 3
#gr "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub label fColor, bColor, x, y, text$
call frgb fColor
call brgb bColor
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;";\";text$
end sub
sub fbox x0, y0, x1, y1
#gr "place ";x0;" ";y0
#gr "boxfilled ";x1+1;" ";y1+1
end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in
t0 = time$("ms")
while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend
end sub
'=============================================== procedures this app
sub update
for i = 0 to 53
f = int(i/9)
xoff = fx(f) : yoff = fy(f)
row = int((i - f * 9)/3) : col = i mod 3
call rgb c(i)
fore = 999 - c(i) : bk = c(i)
call fbox xoff + col * 30, yoff + row * 30, xoff + col * 30 + 30, yoff + row * 30 + 30
call label fore, bk, xoff + col * 30 + 8, yoff + row * 30 + 20, right$(" ";l$(i), 2)
'draw grids
call rgb 0
for f = 0 to 5
xoff = fx(f) : yoff = fy(f)
for i = 0 TO 3
#gr "line ";xoff + 30 * i;" ";yoff;" ";xoff + 30 * i;" ";yoff + 90
#gr "line ";xoff;" ";yoff + 30 * i;" ";xoff + 90;" ";yoff + 30 * i
'3D views
#gr "size 1"
for face = 0 to 5
fi = face * 9
select case face
case 0 : fx = 420 : fy = 75
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * c6
y = fy + row * 30 + 15 * col
call rgb c(fi + row * 3 + col)
call d1 x, y
case 1 : fx = 498 : fy = 120
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * c6
y = fy + row * 30 - 15 * col
call rgb c(fi + row * 3 + col)
call d2 x, y
case 3 : fx = 498 : fy = 240 'back side is mirror of front view
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * c6
y = fy + row * 30 + 15 * col
call rgb c(fi + row * 3 + (col))
call d1 x, y
case 2 : fx = 420 : fy = 285
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * c6
y = fy + row * 30 - 15 * col
call rgb c(fi + row * 3 + (col))
call d2 x, y
case 4 : fx = 498 : fy = 30
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * 26 - row * 26
y = fy + row * 15 + 15 * col
call rgb c(fi + row * 3 + col)
call d3 x, y
case 5 : fx = 498 : fy = 330
for row = 0 to 2
for col = 0 to 2
x = fx + col * 26 - row * 26
y = fy + row * 15 + 15 * col
'spin the face
i = row * 3 + col
select case i
case 0 : j = 6
case 1 : j = 3
case 2 : j = 0
case 3 : j = 7
case 4 : j = 4
case 5 : j = 1
case 6 : j = 8
case 7 : j = 5
case 8 : j = 2
end select
call rgb c(fi + j)
call d3 x, y
end select
call label 999, 444, 426, 20, "Top Front Right View:"
call label 999, 444, 425, 440, "Back Left Bottom View:"
end sub
sub d1 x, y
for yo = 0 to 30
#gr "line ";x;" ";y + yo;" ";x + c6;" ";y + yo + s6
#gr "size 4"
#gr "color black"
#gr "line ";x;" ";y;" ";x + c6;" ";y + s6
#gr "line ";x;" ";y;" ";x;" ";y + 30
#gr "line ";x + c6;" ";y + s6;" ";x + c6;" ";y + 30 + s6
#gr "line ";x;" ";y + 30;" ";x + c6;" ";y + 30 + s6
end sub
sub d2 x, y
for yo = 0 to 30
#gr "line ";x;" ";y + yo;" ";x + c6;" ";y + yo - s6
#gr "size 4"
#gr "color black"
#gr "line ";x;" ";y;" ";x + c6;" ";y - s6
#gr "line ";x;" ";y;" ";x;" ";y + 30
#gr "line ";x + c6;" ";y - s6;" ";x + c6;" ";y + 30 - s6
#gr "line ";x;" ";y + 30;" ";x + c6;" ";y + 30 - s6
end sub
sub d3 x, y
yy = y + 15
for xx = 0 to 26
fx = 15 - 15/26 * xx
#gr "line ";x + xx;" ";yy - fx;" ";x + xx;" ";yy + fx
#gr "line ";x - xx;" ";yy - fx;" ";x - xx;" ";yy + fx
#gr "size 4"
#gr "color black"
#gr "place ";x;" ";y
#gr "north"
#gr "turn 120"
#gr "go 30"
#gr "turn 120"
#gr "go 30"
#gr "turn 60"
#gr "go 30"
#gr "turn 120"
#gr "go 30"
end sub
'color shifter, these are all indexes to the c() array
sub cs k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, k12
ks1 = c(k10) : ks2 = c(k11) : ks3 = c(k12) 'save first three
ls1$ = l$(k10) : ls2$ = l$(k11) : ls3$ = l$(k12) 'save first three
c(k10) = c(k7) : c(k11) = c(k8) : c(k12) = c(k9)
l$(k10) = l$(k7) : l$(k11) = l$(k8) : l$(k12) = l$(k9)
c(k7) = c(k4) : c(k8) = c(k5) : c(k9) = c(k6)
l$(k7) = l$(k4) : l$(k8) = l$(k5) : l$(k9) = l$(k6)
c(k4) = c(k1) : c(k5) = c(k2) : c(k6) = c(k3)
l$(k4) = l$(k1) : l$(k5) = l$(k2) : l$(k6) = l$(k3)
c(k1) = ks1 : c(k2) = ks2 : c(k3) = ks3
l$(k1) = ls1$ : l$(k2) = ls2$ : l$(k3) = ls3$
end sub
sub spinFace face
for i = 0 to 8 'save data
row = int(i / 3) : col = i mod 3
idx = face * 9 + 3 * row + col
spin(i) = c(idx)
spinl$(i) = l$(idx)
if face = 0 or face = 1 or face = 4 then
for i = 0 to 8 'swap data
row = int(i / 3) : col = i mod 3
idx = face * 9 + 3 * row + col
select case i
case 0 : c(idx) = spin(6) : l$(idx) = spinl$(6)
case 1 : c(idx) = spin(3) : l$(idx) = spinl$(3)
case 2 : c(idx) = spin(0) : l$(idx) = spinl$(0)
case 3 : c(idx) = spin(7) : l$(idx) = spinl$(7)
case 5 : c(idx) = spin(1) : l$(idx) = spinl$(1)
case 6 : c(idx) = spin(8) : l$(idx) = spinl$(8)
case 7 : c(idx) = spin(5) : l$(idx) = spinl$(5)
case 8 : c(idx) = spin(2) : l$(idx) = spinl$(2)
end select
else 'reverse
for i = 0 to 8 'swap data
row = int(i / 3) : col = i mod 3
idx = face * 9 + 3 * row + col
select case i
case 0 : c(idx) = spin(2) : l$(idx) = spinl$(2)
case 1 : c(idx) = spin(5) : l$(idx) = spinl$(5)
case 2 : c(idx) = spin(8) : l$(idx) = spinl$(8)
case 3 : c(idx) = spin(1) : l$(idx) = spinl$(1)
case 5 : c(idx) = spin(7) : l$(idx) = spinl$(7)
case 6 : c(idx) = spin(0) : l$(idx) = spinl$(0)
case 7 : c(idx) = spin(3) : l$(idx) = spinl$(3)
case 8 : c(idx) = spin(6) : l$(idx) = spinl$(6)
end select
end if
end sub
sub solve
i = 1 'cnt moves
while word$(record$, i) <> ""
cnt = cnt + 1
i = i + 1
for i = cnt to 1 step -1
cmd$ = left$(word$(record$, i), 1)
lv$ = right$(word$(record$, i), 1)
for j = 1 to 3
call cwRotate lv$
call pause 100
cmd$ = ""
record$ = ""
end sub
sub help
nl$ = Chr$(13)
s$ = "****************** Rubic Help *******************" + nl$
s$ = s$ + "Let's call the 9 small cubes that make up 1/3" + nl$
s$ = s$ + "of the entire cube a 'layer'. Now, we need a" +nl$
s$ = s$ + "shorthand method to specify which layer to rotate." + nl$
s$ = s$ + "The x axis is layered left to right 1, 2, 3." + nl$
s$ = s$ + "The y axis is layered top down 1, 2, 3." + nl$
s$ = s$ + "The z axis is layered front to back 1, 2, 3." + nl$
s$ = s$ + "So, to command a rotation:"+ nl$
s$ = s$ + "Key press the axis and then the layer number." + nl$
s$ = s$ + "Can also press h for this help, or q to quit." + nl$ + nl$
s$ = s$ + "SOLVE!, press s to solve the cube."
notice s$
end sub