Well this "expert" thinks you are NOT showing all of the code sample.
rem adapted from love-nuklear example, see: https://github.com/keharriso/love-nuklear.git
import nuklear as nk
color rgb(128,54,0), 1
option predef grmode 304x304
while 1
if nk.windowBegin("Draw Example", 2, 2, "100%", "100%") then
[x, y, w, h] = nk.windowGetBounds()
nk.line(x + 10, y + 40, x + 50, y + 40, x + 50, y + 80)
nk.curve(x + 50, y + 80, x + 80, y + 40, x + 100, y + 80, x + 80, y + 80)
nk.polygon("line", x + 100, y + 150, x + 60, y + 140, x + 70, y + 70)
nk.circle("line", x + 130, y + 140, 50)
nk.ellipse("fill", x + 30, y + 150, 20, 40)
nk.arc("fill", x + 150, y + 80, 40, 3 * PI / 2, 2 * PI)
nk.rectMultiColor(x + 95, y + 50, 50, 50, "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#000000")
'nk.image(img, x + 120, y + 120, 70, 50)
nk.text("DRAW TEXT", x + 15, y + 75, 100, 100)