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Notes on Script BASIC
Here is another (commercial) resource for Script BASIC to feed your bitter sweet spot.
Control Solutions MN. They have been using Script BASIC embedded in their BACNet controllers since 2003.
So, I'm an idiot who would love to use ScriptBasic, but is to stupid to start with it. Good to know. ;D ;D ;D
John, belive me - if I really wanted to use ScriptBasic, I would manage to install and configure it. I just can't see anything what could justify using my free time do do it. For me, a serious scipting language* should out of the box come with features like proper associative arrays, sorting, filtering, applying functions to each element of an array and getting unique elements without writing FOR/NEXT loop for it. I want to have function for reading an entire text file into a string, ability to use regular expressions, recurively walking through directories, having easy acces to a file info (basename, extension, realpath, type of the file, permissions etc.). Generic FOR loop makes things a lot cleaner and easier. Basic Internet functionality (like downloading a file) should be there. Also, support for unicode and large numbers. If I want to use Perl or JavaScript, I'm gonna use Perl or JavaScript and not ScriptBasic with Perl and JavaScript modules. Just have a look at Perl's, Python's or Ruby's standard library. Then have a look and PyPI, CPAN and Ruby Gems. Then look at ScriptBasic. Can't you see a difference? I don't know - maybe ScriptBasic is not a bad choice for embedding, but I'm not planning to build a device that will need an embedded language to be used with it, so I don't care.
--- Quote from: John on September 20, 2018, 06:57:21 PM ---Script BASIC is probably one of the best documented non-commercial open source projects out there.
--- End quote ---
;D ;D ;D Comparing to what? Those 100 abandoned BASIC languages? Seriously, do you want me to die from laughing? ;D ;D ;D
OK. Have a look at documentation pages on:
* Of course, languages created for fun or for specific tasks are a completely different story.
You know this package looks like a decent User Manual, why not include it with SourceForge download of Script Basic?
But what is i.CanDoIt Device to practice using ScriptBasic on?
Oh it is a server $1500 to $2000 "remote monitoring solution". Just what every beginner needs.
Oh I see the big ugly secret, not a screen function to be found!
No Locate, no Input, no Cls, its all a text scroller.
Finally, I get Hello World! to work:
--- Code: ---Print "Hello World!"
sleep 100
--- End code ---
drag and drop onto sb64.exe
So again I say, Script ASIC is a bad BASIC for Beginners, get back to your side of the pool.
Here is a list sequence bunch* of numbers - [120, 135, 345, 345, 1890, 12, 120, 12, 135, 712, 78, 120]. The task is to print three biggest unique elements sorted from biggest to smalllest.
--- Code: ---x = [120, 135, 345, 345, 1890, 12, 120, 12, 135, 712, 78, 120]
print(sorted(list(set(x)), reverse=True)[0:3])
--- End code ---
Can I see ScriptBasic solution, with its "powerfull" and "flexible" arrays?
EDIT Yes, Python lists can be nested and can hold values of different types (just in case you ask this question again).
* To make Aurel happy, I've changed it once more. ;)
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