Author Topic: 2018/2019  (Read 12833 times)


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2019, 03:33:15 PM »
 i am not sure
if i remember he said that he get some money for something about SB
or something like that


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2019, 03:40:23 PM »
I just read...
so tomek...

if you ask me i like SHWEPS - BITTER LEMON
i don't get it why is you BITTER if you use VODKA ...
as far as i know VODKA is not BITTER is alcohol  ;D yupieee

is bitter  - gorko , gorčina , mučnina ....ihiiii


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2019, 03:44:39 PM »
is that you tomek ?
and how such a man can be bitter ????


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2019, 03:57:51 PM »
i don't get it why is you BITTER if you use VODKA ...

I don't. I drink energy drinks (Relentless Original) and alcohol-free beer (Budweiser Prohibition or Heineken). You're imagining things, again. And John? I don't know why he's decided to stick with ScriptBasic. He could use his time, energy and knowledge to support something more serious. But it's his decision, of course.


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2019, 04:07:40 PM »
I drink energy drinks

this also explain a lot about you  ;D
but really be careful ..lot of cofeine and other craps are in this drinks ?

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2019, 07:03:13 PM »
In general Oxygen Basic is the only true native basic/asm/JIT compiler ever created.

WTF is this sh@t about O2 being the only native BASIC+ASM=JIT compiler around? With all my respect to Charles Pegge as a language developer, FBSL v3 had been around for years as a BASIC+ASM+C capable JIT compiler before OxygenBasic was even able to say "mamma"!

Why don't you give a damn about all the crap you're spreading around you every time you open your mouth, Aurel?


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2019, 07:39:26 PM »
HNY Mike HNY...  :)

Easy man..
What FBSL ?
I used this old version of fbsl which cannot compile directly into .exe
so i don't get it why you jump...
all other need something more soooo....
what is a problem?



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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2019, 10:52:48 PM »
And this is what I don't like about forums. When you listen to a podcast, what sets the character of the discussion is the tone of voices, the way people talk and not necessarily what they say. This topic was meant to be light and a bit funny. Like when a group of friends talk about something bad or sad, but still joke about it, try to be not so serious and have some distance. Of course, the stuff about blogs was meant to be sarcastic, but in a friendly way. While I'm thinking about having some fun, people ask me why I'm... so bitter. John banned me from AllBasic (even if I wasn't registered there). The he's explaining what ScriptBasic is (like I don't know it already). This is one big misunderstanding. This topic was not meant to be so serious. Relax.  ;)

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2019, 02:04:19 AM »
OK OK boys, never mind. Keep on having fun the new year round.


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2019, 07:06:22 AM »
And i agree again -with tomek.
hmmm something is wrong..or not  ;D


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2019, 08:49:36 AM »
Back to topic...

if we think on last year...
I agree with Tomaaz in some points but not in gneral.
Stagnacy is everywhere in hobby programming world.
On Windows platform still is dominant MS VC and MingW.
Python yes is used but on Windows still is not replacement for Basic
on Linux yes it is because of well known reasons.
For Basic dialects i cannot tell you more because most of them are semi-dead or dead.

Personally .. i don't do much programming but i build some fundamental things for my new interpreter
which in original would be written in o2 compiler BUT in same time i decide to
work in C ..
so each block of code which i make in o2 i will make in C
to compare speed and flexibility of code
and to learn more C in same time.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 08:52:43 AM by Aurel »


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2019, 10:14:32 AM »
My prediction for 2019. Aurel is gonna switch to Linux completely and start writing his new BASIC interpreter in Python.  ;)


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2019, 11:25:42 AM »
No Python guffy...  ;D
/ ..and python is tooo bitter ..../  ;D
Sorry but Python is simply tooo slooow for such a thing.
It seems that C is the almost best option and there are many examples of tokenizers/lexers/parsers/virtual machines
written in C .
Also interpreter writtn in C is in some cases 5 times faster than written in basic compiler
50 to 100 times fster than written in python....yes python is really slow .
I am not sure but i read somewhere that Swift is very fast ...etc..etc..


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2019, 06:52:53 PM »
John on AllBasic:

You're also a damn lier. You joined the All BASIC forum to ask a question of one of the developer members. You shortly there after deleted your account. I never banned anyone from All BASIC.

No, I'm not. And I can easily prove it. After I started this topic and shared my opinion about ScriptBasic and AllBasic you wrote:

The reason approving your membership here took so long is you are in the forum spam database as an undesirable. My vote is they keep you on the list.

This sounds like a ban to me. And and the moment I wasn't registered on AllBasic. I wasn't, because I deleted my account a couple of months before. So, what's the point of issuing a statement like that to someone who already left and is not interested in being a member??? You don't have to put me on your spam list or undesirable list, because I have absolutely no desire to be a member there. Thank you.


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Re: 2018/2019
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2019, 08:15:44 AM »
John, yes I was registered on AllBasic for a couple of weeks several months ago (is it possible to delete an account without having one?).  The only reason I registered there was your Phix subforum. There was problem with OpenEuphoria forum and I wanted to report an issue with Phix.  To register I used a Polish alias (no way I would give any forum my primary or secondary email) that happend to be flagged as a spam source. It has nothing to do with my login or me as a person. It's funny how you either don't understand how things work or believe that other people are idiots who will believe any nonsense you say.