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PulsarBASIC - Teaser thread
So it's a while since I started combining the Pulsar2D framework with the My_Basic interpreter. Until today I had problems with DATA & READ but the issue could be solved today. There is no download, yet. It's a rather complicated compilation on Windows because I did not port the Library to C. Yeah, I am not so fluent in C, so I felt this wouldn't work. Anyway, I figured out that it is possible to compile a library with FreeBASIC so it can be used from C. The "only" thing is providing a *h.-file. And still the pulsarbasic.c file has about 2700 lines.
Anyway, this might be interesting for drfloyd since I am providing a tiny editor. So one can start the editor, load a file, press run and that's it. (The editor is based on my old project TinyIDE from 2010 and compiled with Lazarus.)
So the funny thing for me as a developer is that I am actually using 3 programming languages and compilers: ANSI C (gcc), BASIC (FreeBASIC) and Object Pascal (FreePascal). Can it be more versatile?
I hope I can provide a download soon.
It looks interesting even i am not very much in game programming. ;)
..for drFloyd ...hmm he just jumping from place to place ,
looking for "perfect" replacement for Blitz Basic.
Yes, that's right. Anyway, I think this is a project I will push further. There are a few things I want to implement, most important of all the creation of executables.
Oh, btw, I am using now the old editor of EGSL which is now the PulsarBASIC-Editor as seen in the screenshot.
--- Quote ---There are a few things I want to implement, most important of all the creation of executables.
--- End quote ---
That should be no problem on Windows.
Using BIND topology : runtime.exe + sourcefile(in binary form- not ascii file).
That technic i was used in Aurel Basic long time ago.
Yes, that's the technique I am using with PulsarLua. But it's a bit harder to implement it in C ...
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