It's time to try it out! Grab it on
http://allegrobasic.pulsar2d.org/At the moment there is no documentation but I am working hard on it... Meanwhile you can read Wang's documentation on My-Basic. I put a link on the AllegroBASIC page.
What is AllegroBASIC? AllegroBASIC is a classical BASIC dialect which let you code your own little programs with emphasis on drawing graphics primitives. So, it is not suitable for fast paced games. As old BASIC dialects were, AllegroBASIC is limited within some aspects:
- Only bitmap (bmp) files can be used as image files, so no gifs, pngs or jpgs!
- Only wave files can be used as sound, so no mp3 or ogg or any other format!
- There will be no fancy game engine things like particles, bitmap font routines etc. (Code it yourself in BASIC! Collision example is included.)
Anyway, I wish you a lot of fun with this "new" BASIC interpreter.