Author Topic: Notes on Script BASIC  (Read 31111 times)


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Re: Notes on Script BASIC
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2018, 04:02:37 PM »
Yeah sure blame it on him. (Though it's definitely more than partly true, you love it.) I had a serious question, is it being ignored?

Sorry, but no - I don't like it. I prefer the kind of discussions you can have with zxDunny, Peter (BaCon) or Marcus (NaaLaa), for example. Remind me - were you a member of old basicprogramming forum? While it's fun to read Aurel's surreal English for some time, it becomes annoying very quickly and destroys every single topic, especially that 80% of his arguments are personal attacks, copy/paste insults and a demonstration of a total lack of knowledge of anything beyond BASIC and WinApi ("https is just another crap" etc.). But the worst are his lame attempts to be funny and make linguistic jokes.

Sorry, I missed you questions. Here are the answers:

How hard is it to change your output to this? (attached)

Code: [Select]
x = [120, 135, 345, 345, 1890, 12, 120, 12, 135, 712, 78, 120]
print(map(lambda a: "Tomaaz " + str(a), sorted(list(set(x)), reverse=True)[0:3]))

Code: [Select]
(set 'x '(120 135 345 345 1890 12 120 12 135 712 78 120))
(println (map (fn (x) (append "Tomaaz " (string x))) (slice (sort(unique x) >) 0 3)))

And how do these things handle floats? The forth line? I am curious the decision it would make for 1, 1.0, 1. and .99.... would they be the same or each unique?

In Python and NewLisp 1 and 1.0 are treated as the same number. In Ruby they aren't. 0.99..... in all three languages is unique element, however, while Ruby and Python keep the value, NewLisp is changing it slightly to something like 0.99999989999 (different number representation).
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 04:13:46 PM by Tomaaz »


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Re: Notes on Script BASIC
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2018, 04:21:20 PM »
Thanks, Tomaaz, I did start your Dir Walk challenge in another thread with a couple of questions (I hope remarks to folks at ALL aren't too distracting.)

Why yes I was at, "moderating" uh himmm ... towards the end, you don't remember?

If I say stuff about you and Aurel, you know that invites him right back into conversation. It's really nutz when John invokes the   Aurel name just to see the show and he accuses me of playground stuff. Well it takes one to know one, I learned from a master. :P
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 04:33:34 PM by B+ »


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Re: Notes on Script BASIC
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2018, 09:35:37 PM »
and a demonstration of a total lack of knowledge of anything beyond BASIC

really --and what is that just another insult
If you learn few tricks you picked around that's don't make you great programmer.
so please continue with your "expertise" with your tiny brain examples
they are so charming  ;D ;D ;D