Just read the latest blog. How does loading fonts work?
Fonts are what brought me here believe it or not.
Printing the Mattel Aquarius character ROM from 1982 is a thing of mine.

This is one of my versions of the
fontHere is a new version from someone more font savvy. Well here's the whole page you may want to score more fonts.
Kreative Software Relay FontsStill haven't tested the font print with EGSL. My font and the font from Kreative don't actually print the character set correctly using the standard ascii access. For instance with code like
for i=1,255,1 do
c=c..string.char(i).." "
-- new row
if n==14 then
Should produce something like the image above, but a bunch of characters are missing or out of wack.
They exist in the character map, but not in their correct enumerations.
Anyway thats my font story.
(happy to see SDL go away btw)
So looks like font fixing is to come.