A new version will be uploaded soon with some major changes.
1. I got rid of that console window - since Windows user don't get on with that. I implemented via the nice tinyfiledialogs an inputbox (see attached screenshots). All errors are now reported by a messagebox.
2. You can now close the Window with the 'X' button - but the BASIC programmer have to take care of it. A function which returns ture or false if the window was closed was implemented. (So there are no segmentation faults anymore ...)
Sample code:
screen (800,600,"CircleTrap")
KEY_ESC = 59
setfps (200)
h = screenheight/2
w = screenwidth/2
paper (0,0,0)
cls (x)
t = tickcount/1000
for i=1 to 360
ink (255,255-i,255-i)
circle (w+sin(i*90+t)*200,h+cos(i*90+t)*200,20+i)
until (keystate (KEY_ESC) = true) or (windowclosed=true)