Thanks, Ed, for clearing up the situation for the Retro community here.
I can very well imagine that it was just an incidental misunderstanding between you and me. I have absolutely no objection to your using my port of your extremely entertaining toy interpreter for your future experimentation and improvement even if it continues to go without any attribution to my name, as long as it stays freely available for the benefit of us all on the OxygenBasic or compatible forum rather than remains hidden from prying eyes behind Aurel's SMF registration with attributions re-written thievishly in his favor.
Aurel is simply intellectually incapable of making his own port of toy interpreter or another script of equal complexity to O2 or any other programming language. I can prove that "his" TOY 528 binary he offers to his registered SMF members for download there under his name is, at its machine code level, byte-for-byte identical to a binary that O2 compiles from your script called toy528.bas as you uploaded it there on June 23, 2016,
with your sub list_code() commented out completely. Aurel doesn't know how to add bytecode op names to your bytecode lister.
The name Mike Lobanovsky was never in the header comments from the beginning. And, I never thought about adding his name to the header.
You were a participant in the O2 port discussions of toy interpreter in the year of 2014, which is only as little as two years ago, and you simply couldn't be unaware who was doing the actual porting job in flesh. I don't think you can be
so indifferent to your own creations, whatever the language is.
Aurel took advantage of both you and I with our incidental oversight and carelessness to gain some standing among BASIC language developers, which would otherwise be a hopeless task for someone with his IQ. He may seem a lost sheep for you but for me, he will remain a hard-headed thief and a poor liar.
Anyway, I am greateful to you for both the toy interpreter sources that were fun to port and fun to see extended and improved on by a skillful programmer, and also for taking time and courage to respond to the mess this unfortunate and frustrated "language developer" caused at his own SMF and spilled over here.