Hey Aurel!
That's a pretty legit list of liabilities but don't forget assets:
+ Unlimited posting of attachments including exe's with public access, no membership required to read posts and download.
+ Talk of other PL's encouraged not forbidden or taboo or frowned upon.
+ I think, Walter really believes in hobby programming with learning and participates often in forum, welcoming new members (when they post).
I think QB64 as base PL (flavor of Basic) provides a common ground for members for strong overlapping interests.
For me, QB64 is nice complement to SmallBASIC. (For some reason FreeBasic did not "take", I think I needed a forum like Walter's for shallow end of pool in learning that flavor PL by comparing and contrasting with SB.)
I am finding past posts at forums easier than in my own files, plus it's easier to remember background setting, state of mind when I was creating code with the help of others comments and ideas. Ha, sometimes it's shocking the difference between my memory and what was written.
It is becoming a better backup system than my own monthly thing.
So for final plus:
+ Multi-forum participation provides backup for personal files and documentation (sort of) AND covers the case we loose a forum like BP.org or one goes down like The Joyful Programmer or QB64.net