OK, I have optimized word length limits and repeat tries up to 10 times so that I haven't had a run yet that failed to yield a puzzle meeting Rosetta Code specs.
Here is an example output using my extra fun specs with plug-ins words of basic and plus:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 b p l u s p R g t l
1 a p r i c e O e i e
2 s i r e S a w l l o
3 i c o s j E d e n n
4 c T t u n d r a u T
5 l a d f s A a f s a
6 e e d b a C p y s l
7 n t d i n O s e u p
8 t a D e k e r i p s
9 t o p k c a j E x a
Directions >>>---> 0 = East, 1 = SE, 2 = South, 3 = SW, 4 = West, 5 = NW, 6 = North, 7 = NE
These are the items from unixdict.txt used to build the puzzle:
1) basic (0, 0) >>>---> 2 2) plus (1, 0) >>>---> 0
3) tundra (2, 4) >>>---> 0 4) sunlit (8, 5) >>>---> 6
5) spire (9, 8) >>>---> 4 6) jackpot (6, 9) >>>---> 4
7) price (1, 1) >>>---> 0 8) leafy (7, 2) >>>---> 2
9) jude (4, 3) >>>---> 3 10) kid (4, 8) >>>---> 5
11) sire (0, 2) >>>---> 0 12) leon (9, 0) >>>---> 2
13) cede (4, 9) >>>---> 5 14) lent (0, 5) >>>---> 2
15) ada (5, 2) >>>---> 1 16) san (4, 5) >>>---> 2
17) alps (9, 5) >>>---> 2 18) cos (1, 3) >>>---> 0
19) pus (8, 8) >>>---> 6 20) oat (1, 9) >>>---> 6
21) era (7, 7) >>>---> 3 22) pep (8, 8) >>>---> 5
23) fbi (3, 5) >>>---> 2 24) gel (7, 0) >>>---> 2
25) spa (6, 7) >>>---> 6 26) ida (3, 7) >>>---> 5
27) ewe (7, 3) >>>---> 5 28) pea (5, 0) >>>---> 2
29) six (6, 7) >>>---> 1 30) ape (9, 9) >>>---> 5
These are the items from unixdict.txt found embedded in the puzzle:
1) ada (5, 2) >>>---> 1 2) ada (7, 4) >>>---> 5
3) aft (4, 6) >>>---> 5 4) alp (9, 5) >>>---> 2
5) alps (9, 5) >>>---> 2 6) ape (9, 9) >>>---> 5
7) apr (0, 1) >>>---> 0 8) aps (6, 5) >>>---> 2
9) are (5, 9) >>>---> 7 10) ares (5, 9) >>>---> 7
11) ate (1, 8) >>>---> 6 12) awl (5, 2) >>>---> 0
13) basic (0, 0) >>>---> 2 14) cede (4, 9) >>>---> 5
15) cos (1, 3) >>>---> 0 16) day (5, 4) >>>---> 1
17) dec (2, 7) >>>---> 1 18) dee (2, 6) >>>---> 4
19) del (2, 7) >>>---> 5 20) den (6, 3) >>>---> 0
21) den (2, 5) >>>---> 3 22) din (2, 7) >>>---> 0
23) eat (0, 6) >>>---> 7 24) eke (3, 8) >>>---> 0
25) eke (5, 8) >>>---> 4 26) epa (7, 7) >>>---> 1
27) era (7, 7) >>>---> 3 28) eta (1, 6) >>>---> 2
29) ewe (5, 1) >>>---> 1 30) ewe (7, 3) >>>---> 5
31) fbi (3, 5) >>>---> 2 32) fda (3, 5) >>>---> 4
33) ftc (3, 5) >>>---> 5 34) fun (7, 5) >>>---> 7
35) fuse (3, 5) >>>---> 6 36) gel (7, 0) >>>---> 2
37) ice (3, 1) >>>---> 0 38) ida (3, 7) >>>---> 5
39) ire (1, 2) >>>---> 0 40) ire (7, 8) >>>---> 4
41) jack (6, 9) >>>---> 4 42) jackpot (6, 9) >>>---> 4
43) jude (4, 3) >>>---> 3 44) kid (4, 8) >>>---> 5
45) lad (0, 5) >>>---> 0 46) lea (7, 2) >>>---> 2
47) leaf (7, 2) >>>---> 2 48) leafy (7, 2) >>>---> 2
49) led (0, 5) >>>---> 1 50) leg (7, 2) >>>---> 6
51) len (0, 5) >>>---> 2 52) lent (0, 5) >>>---> 2
53) leo (9, 0) >>>---> 2 54) leon (9, 0) >>>---> 2
55) lit (8, 2) >>>---> 6 56) nap (0, 7) >>>---> 1
57) ned (8, 3) >>>---> 4 58) ned (0, 7) >>>---> 7
59) nne (9, 3) >>>---> 4 60) noel (9, 3) >>>---> 6
61) nut (4, 4) >>>---> 4 62) oat (1, 9) >>>---> 6
63) orr (2, 3) >>>---> 6 64) pan (2, 9) >>>---> 5
65) par (6, 6) >>>---> 6 66) pea (5, 0) >>>---> 2
67) pen (2, 9) >>>---> 7 68) pep (6, 6) >>>---> 1
69) pep (8, 8) >>>---> 5 70) plus (1, 0) >>>---> 0
71) pot (2, 9) >>>---> 4 72) price (1, 1) >>>---> 0
73) pus (8, 8) >>>---> 6 74) rap (6, 4) >>>---> 2
75) rice (2, 1) >>>---> 0 76) rip (6, 8) >>>---> 0
77) rot (2, 2) >>>---> 2 78) sad (8, 5) >>>---> 5
79) san (4, 5) >>>---> 2 80) sank (4, 5) >>>---> 2
81) sec (6, 7) >>>---> 3 82) sera (8, 6) >>>---> 3
83) sew (4, 0) >>>---> 1 84) sic (0, 2) >>>---> 2
85) sir (4, 0) >>>---> 3 86) sir (0, 2) >>>---> 0
87) sire (0, 2) >>>---> 0 88) six (6, 7) >>>---> 1
89) soc (3, 3) >>>---> 4 90) spa (6, 7) >>>---> 6
91) spar (6, 7) >>>---> 6 92) spire (9, 8) >>>---> 4
93) sun (8, 5) >>>---> 6 94) sunlit (8, 5) >>>---> 6
95) sup (8, 6) >>>---> 2 96) tad (0, 9) >>>---> 7
97) tao (1, 7) >>>---> 2 98) tea (1, 7) >>>---> 6
99) til (8, 0) >>>---> 2 100) top (0, 9) >>>---> 0
101) tor (2, 4) >>>---> 6 102) torr (2, 4) >>>---> 6
103) tun (2, 4) >>>---> 0 104) tundra (2, 4) >>>---> 0
105) uri (3, 0) >>>---> 3 106) use (3, 4) >>>---> 6
107) wet (6, 2) >>>---> 7
As you can see allot more words are embedded in the puzzle than those used to build it.