Author Topic: PiraBASIC - Make.Games  (Read 19129 times)


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2014, 09:27:46 PM »

ok, thanks for the help!
and that free licence sounds interesting ;)


you want me to understand all this? :

INT hlibsci,hsci,i
hlibsci = LoadLibrary "SciLexer.dll"
'print str(hlibsci)
INT rx,ry,rw,rh,ext,sci_style
rx=160: ry=80 : rw=466 : rh=340 : ext=0x200
hsci = CreateWindowEx(ext,"Scintilla","",sci_style,rx,ry,rw,rh,win,sciID,0,0)
UpdateWindow hsci
'set sci backColor
'SENDMESSAGE(hsci, SCI_STYLESETBACK,32,RGB(252,248,220)) 'yellow
For i = 0 to 12
   SENDMESSAGE (hsci, SCI_STYLESETFONT, i, "Courier New")
Next i


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2014, 09:54:08 PM »
You say that you want editor for your own scripting language..right?
So if you know how to write scripting language you will probably understand how this work?
Anyway you can always visit my site or OxygenBasic site and download & compile
what you whish ..all is open source.
So you can modify ,change ,remove and simple tweak editor source to your needs...


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 10:47:55 PM »
I don't want to overtake this topic with my problems so I will answer in pm...


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2014, 06:36:35 AM »
A small Asteroids Demo made with PiraBASIC, fully implemented in OOP style showing some advanced features of PiraBASIC and the integrated game engine:

  • Loading resources from a password protected ZIP archive
  • Music streaming directly from password protected ZIP archive
  • Music and sound effect playback
  • PolyPoint collision detection (with auto trace)
  • Parallax scrolling background
  • Startup dialog (control basic engine features)
  • Particle effects
  • Keyboard & mouse input
  • Texture & sprites
  • Textured fonts
  • And much more...



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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2014, 11:24:20 PM »


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2014, 12:57:07 AM »

Here is a peek at the IDE I'm working on. I was able to make good progress and it should be in the next release.


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2014, 06:51:16 PM »
Personal i don't know if i would use the rules but it's Looking good :)
Can you maybe upload the part of the help file you already have?
Because I don't know how to start.. :P


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2014, 07:54:18 PM »
Hi, check your PM.


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2014, 03:22:57 AM »
Unexpected Memory Leak
An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The unexpected small block leaks are:

1 - 12 bytes: TMoveArrayManager<System.Classes.TComponent> x 1, TMoveArrayManager<System.Classes.TCollectionItem> x 2, TIdStackWindows x 1, Unknown x 1

13 - 20 bytes: TLinks x 1, TNetBufs x 1, TIdHTTPProtocol x 1, UnicodeString x 9, Unknown x 1

21 - 28 bytes: TIconImage x 1, TMemoryStream x 1, TIdSMTPEnhancedCode x 2, TObjectList x 2, UnicodeString x 10

29 - 36 bytes: EAccessViolation x 1, TList<System.Classes.TComponent> x 1, TIdSASLEntries x 1, TIdReplySMTP x 2, TIdProxyConnectionInfo x 1, TList<System.Classes.TCollectionItem> x 2, TIdEntityRanges x 1, TIdReplyRFC x 2

45 - 52 bytes: TIdURI x 1

53 - 60 bytes: TPGUtils x 1, TIcon x 1

61 - 68 bytes: TPGDLL x 1, TPGLogFile x 1

69 - 76 bytes: TPGDisplayDevice x 1, TPGObjectList x 1

85 - 92 bytes: TTimer x 2, TStringList x 10, TPGAudioPlayer x 1, UnicodeString x 1

93 - 100 bytes: TPGNet x 1

101 - 108 bytes: TIdHeaderList x 8

117 - 124 bytes: Unknown x 1

125 - 132 bytes: TPGTimer x 1

133 - 140 bytes: TIdMetaHTTPEquiv x 1, UnicodeString x 1, Unknown x 1

141 - 148 bytes: TPGApplication x 1, UnicodeString x 1

173 - 188 bytes: UnicodeString x 1

189 - 204 bytes: TIdHTTPResponse x 1

221 - 236 bytes: TIdHTTPRequest x 1

349 - 380 bytes: TIdSMTP x 1

381 - 412 bytes: TIdHTTP x 1

877 - 956 bytes: TPGInput x 1

1053 - 1148 bytes: TNetCom x 1

The sizes of unexpected leaked medium and large blocks are: 41004, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 14380, 6444, 3116, 327660



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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2014, 03:23:44 AM »
Application Error
Exception EAccessViolation in module atiumdva.dll at 00001445.

Access violation at address 6B201445 in module 'atiumdva.dll'. Read of address 00000004.



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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2014, 03:45:34 AM »

1. I have leak detection enabled during development so you will see these types of displays
2. All of that is because an exception occurred at some point so the test of the code that relates to those classes and components where not released.
3. So now the questions becomes where did the error occur. Can you tell me what you was trying to do that generated this error?


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2014, 04:21:43 PM »
made a new project, typed some code and then closed the window..
when I closed it, the errors appeared.


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2014, 05:11:40 PM »

Well, for me to determine just what is going on I would need to know what code is trying to execute. For example, if you instantiate a class and did not free it, of if you try to free a the global application object which is disposed automatically, you can get these types of errors. So without seeing the code, I can not ascertain what is going wrong. You can PM me if you like.


OR... if you create an console app (which is the default app type) and you force the console window close (by clicking the x button of the console window, not the main application window) rather than letting the app close down, you can get that spew of unreleased objects.


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Re: PiraBASIC - Make.Games
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2016, 02:27:55 PM »
Where is "GEEK" with GREEN BRAIN  ;D ;D ;D