and tiny tokenizer
'microB tokenizer
int tkNULL=0,tkPLUS=1,tkMINUS=2,tkMULTI=3,tkDIVIDE=4
int tkPRINT=11,tkDOT=12,tkLINE=13,tkCIRCLE=14 ,tkEOL = 20
string tokList[256] : int typList[256] 'token/type arrays
int start , p = 1 ,start = p ,tp ,n 'init
string code,ch,tk ,crlf=chr(13)+chr(10),bf
code = "var1 + 2.5 " ' test or load_src?
sub tokenizer(src as string) as int
'ch = mid(src,p,1) : print "CH:" + ch' get first char
while p <= len(src)
ch = mid(src,p,1) 'get char
If asc(ch)=32 : p++ : end if 'skip blank space
If (asc(ch)>96 and asc(ch)<123) ' [a-z]
print "CH2:" + ch : p--
while (asc(ch)>96 and asc(ch)<123) or (asc(ch)>47 and asc(ch)<58) ' [a-z0-9]*
p++:ch = mid(src,p,1) : print "AZ:" + ch
tk =tk+ch
print "TOK-AZ:" + tk
tp++ : tokList[tp] = tk : tk="" :p++
'return IDENT;
Elseif (asc(ch)>47 and asc(ch)<58) ' [0-9]
while (asc(ch)>47 and asc(ch)<58) or (asc(ch)=46) '[0-9[0.0]]*
p++ : ch = mid(src,p,1):tk = tk + ch
tp++ : tokList[tp] = tk : tk="":p++
'return NUMBER;
Elseif asc(ch)=43 ' [ + ]
tk = ch : tp++ : tokList[tp] = tk : tk="" :p++ ' set_token
End if
return tp
end sub
'call tokenizer..tested(ident,numbers)
int tn: tn = tokenizer(code) : print "number of tokens:" + str(tn)
for n = 1 to tn : bf = bf + tokList[n] + crlf : next n
print bf