Author Topic: Convert BrowserBasic project to Android .apk  (Read 22835 times)


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Convert BrowserBasic project to Android .apk
« on: April 12, 2014, 02:40:27 PM »
This program, made by Charles Strawbridge aka mrchay, allows you to take an html5 project and convert it to an Android .apk very simply.

Project page =

In short : you need the Java Run time (JRE) but apparently not the Dev. Kit (JDK) installed.
You then copy your html5 project to the html5 folder and run the go.bat file.
In about a minute, the console window closes, and you have a signed apk in the same folder at the go.bat file.
The key used is a generic one but you can create your own (Google how) and place it in the key folder.

The download from the project page above includes 7z.exe and 7z.dll in the tools folder.
It appears that these are for 64 bit Windows OSes.
I replaced both of these files from my 32 bit install of 7-zip and it worked fine on my WinXP 32 bit OS.


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Re: Convert BrowserBasic project to Android .apk
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2014, 11:16:01 PM »
That (mrchay) looks interesting (but I havent tried it yet).

I just found out about another technique for getting HTML5 apps to run "natively" on Android OS.

The author adds 2 lines of code to his .html file, and an icon image to his project on the server.

      <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
           <link rel="icon" sizes="196x196" href="SW_196_x_196.png">

The Android user needs to install the browser "ChromeBETA" on his android device (free from the Play Store).
When the user has loaded the html page from the server into his ChromeBETA browser he can select the browser menu option "add to home screen".
ChromeBeta will then install a standalone app with a shortcut icon on the user's desktop/home screen (using the supplied icon image).
This app can then be run as a standalone application (without needing online access).
Seems to work OK (e.g.

Limitations:- ChromeBETA is a bit unstable for a regular user.

It would be nice if all browsers could do this. ::)

« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:55:03 AM by SteveOW »