I did a short study of the Lua math functions and have the results here.
I left out a few that were too hard to bother with.
PulsarLua Math Functions
abs ceil cos sin
exp floor sqrt rnd round
math.fmod math.modf math.log math.log10
math.pi math.pow math.random math.randomseed
math.min math.max math.deg math.tan math.rad
Here's how to use them in a program:
------------ START OF PROGRAM ---------------
win = openwindow ("Math Functions",-1,-1,1000,700)
setactivewindow (win)
backcolor (0,0,0,255)
color (0,0,255,255)
a = math.pi -- returns 3.14....
b = abs(-2) -- converts to positive number
c = ceil(a) -- rounds a float up to the next integer
d = floor(a) -- rounds a float down to the next integer
e = math.max( 1,2,3,4 ) -- returns highest number in list: 4
f = math.min(1,2,3,4) -- returns lowest number in list: 1
g = math.modf(a) -- returns the integer part of a float
h = math.fmod(10,4) -- returns the integer part of a division 10/4
i = sqrt(81) -- Square Root
j = math.rad(60) -- convert angles to radians
k = math.pow(10,6) -- same as 10^6
l = math.log10(1000000) -- base 10 logarithm
m = math.log(1000000) -- base e logarithm
n = exp(2) -- returns e^x
math.randomseed(10) -- set up random number generator
o = math.random(10) -- get random number from 1 to 10
p = math.random(10,100) -- get random number from 10 to 100
q = sin(j) -- main trig functions
r = cos(j)
s = math.tan(j)
t = rnd(20) -- returns random number from 0 to 1
u = round(a) -- returns integer part of decimal fraction
v = math.deg( a/3) -- converts radians to degrees
drawtext( a,0,0)
drawtext( b,0,20)
drawtext( c,0,40)
drawtext( d,0,60)
drawtext( e,0,80)
drawtext( f,0,100)
drawtext( g,0,120)
drawtext( h,0,140)
drawtext( i,0,160)
drawtext( j,0,180)
drawtext( k,0,200)
drawtext( l,0,220)
drawtext( m,0,240)
drawtext( n,0,260)
drawtext( o,0,280)
drawtext( p,0,300)
drawtext( q,0,320)
drawtext( r,0,340)
drawtext( s,0,360)
drawtext( t,0,380)
drawtext( u,0,400)
drawtext( v,0,420)
drawtext( w,0,440)
drawtext( x,0,460)
drawtext( y,0,480)
drawtext( z,0,500)
closewindow(win) -- This ends the program.