Author Topic: New SpecBAS updates preview  (Read 3463 times)


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New SpecBAS updates preview
« on: April 04, 2017, 05:53:31 PM »
Not released publicly yet, but here's a couple of videos:


The new runtime feature is a particle engine - handles forces (gravity in this demo, but the syntax will likely change so the user can apply many forces at once) and friction/elasticity for collisions and movement. It's mass-based so suitable for all sorts of applications. PLOT has been upgraded to handle an array of points with colours and radius information inside the array.

Also you can see the new editor - it's basically a cross between notepad and the old editor, allowing indentation and free-form line breaks. It's quite good, but needs some tweaking yet.

Will be released when it's done.


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Re: New SpecBAS updates preview
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2017, 11:53:25 PM »
As usual, very cool!  :)

I am liking the morphing stuff also.


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Re: New SpecBAS updates preview
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2017, 06:30:58 AM »
Also you can see the new editor we can run specbas programs from editor anf not using batch files


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Re: New SpecBAS updates preview
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2017, 09:40:31 AM »
a particle engine - handles forces (gravity in this demo, but the syntax will likely change so the user can apply many forces at once) and friction/elasticity for collisions and movement. It's mass-based so suitable for all sorts of applications. PLOT has been upgraded to handle an array of points with colours and radius information inside the array.

You are a madman, Dunny ;D


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Re: New SpecBAS updates preview
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2017, 05:06:57 PM »
I was shocked, horrified! that some of the lines did not have line numbers.  ;D


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Re: New SpecBAS updates preview
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2017, 10:24:18 PM »
I was shocked, horrified! that some of the lines did not have line numbers.  ;D

They do, but SpecBAS now lets you split lines up however you please (with one restriction - you can't split if the new line starts with a number). It checks syntax in the background as you type, so it's more free-form. As far as the compiler (bytecode-ish) is concerned, there are no split lines, and every line has a number.