Mike, you were away writing next "Smoke on The Water" or next "Child in Time", so let me explain what's happened here. John kept spamming every possible topic and asking me and B+ what was that we didn't like about ScriptBasic. In response to that, B+ has started this topic and we have both given John our answers. B+ doesn't like the fact that ScriptBasic is not beginner friendly, I don't like the fact that it's unfinished and, despite what John's saying, it can't compete with serious scripting languages (my examples are here to prove it). John, instead of agreeing/disagreeing with us, has closed his account. I agree that there was "trolling and flooding in every other thread", but, sorry, it wasn't me or B+.
As for "lists and maps", they are part of any serious scripting language. You can find them in Python, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, PHP, JavaScript. Does it make Perl Python? Should we call Ruby "PHP"? Or maybe we should call PHP "Ruby"? How come NewLisp looks completely different than Tcl? They both have "lists and maps". For me, BASIC doesn't have to have these features. It would be nice if it had, but it's not necessary. After all, BASIC is meant to be a simple language for beginners. You just need to understand that it's not as powerful and flexible language as Python, Ruby or Perl. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, either. But you need to see that difference. And this is something John finds difficult to accept. He keeps describing ScriptBasic as this great, professional BASIC that is a real programming language (as oppose to the toy languages developed by other members here) and expects every single BASIC user and developer to share his enthusiasm and quit any other languages they happen to be using/developing. Well, it will never happen. I wish John didn't quit (I really struggle to find reason for it), but he's gone, so does it really matter what we're posting in this topic?