I did the following things to make it work:
* Added code for loading a font (courier.txt, courier.png, put in the data folder), because naalaa bitmap fonts can't be generated on the fly in applets
* Inserted a running check in the menu
* Added a text, "Loading ..." when the assets are being loaded, so that people knows something is going on.
* Put all the naalaa class files in the same folder as the program
* Embedded the applet in a html page
I've attached the result to this post. If it's fine with you I'll put it on naalaa.com, where nothing has happened for a long time
Edit: For those of you who haven't tried the game yet, you can now test it online at
http://www.naalaa.com/applets/MissileCommand/mc.html. Let's see if the high score works
I'll add it to the online games section of the homepage shortly.