Author Topic: THE C64 (Maxi)  (Read 4493 times)


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THE C64 (Maxi)
« on: June 25, 2019, 04:20:15 PM »
The C64 with full sized keyboard comes back in December 2019!!! With VIC-20 mode!! And of course Commodore BASIC comes back, too.  ;)

« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 12:52:56 PM by Cybermonkey »


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Re: THE C64
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2019, 10:17:10 PM »
Man, I love me some retro/vintage/museum BASIC but even I draw the line at C64 BASIC.


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Re: THE C64
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2019, 12:52:26 PM »
I think it's the nostalgia. I am looking forward to typing in listings from the 1980s. As my mother a few days ago said: "Seems, you'll never grow up!"  ;)
Oh, since one can use own ROMs, it's rather easy to run Simons' BASIC...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 12:56:37 PM by Cybermonkey »


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2019, 01:11:15 PM »
That's a relief. I really don't fancy having to POKE pretty much everything to get anything done :)


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2019, 07:38:33 PM »
back to the 80'
well i like ZX specctrum a lot at that time
but i play a lot of games on my friend C128 then on Amiga
ahhh that was the times  ::)


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2019, 11:01:19 PM »
Obviously I'm biased, but the Spectrum had the best BASIC at the time. It might not have been as fast as BBC BASIC but by hell it was a lot easier to code for. Not having to constantly look up VDU commands (for the BBC) and POKE addresses (for the C64), along with its sublime string handling made it leagues ahead of the competition.

But then, I am slightly biased. The C64 had some excellent games though.


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2019, 10:01:21 AM »
yes Spectrum have better and simplier basic than C64.
Amstrad have maybe little bit better than ZX but never reach popularity of ZX and C64.
Well who like such a stuff then would buy this product,


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2019, 01:39:04 PM »
The64 will be a popular thing - this is their second iteration of the device and the first was pretty good once they'd ironed out the awful UI issues in the boot system. The emulation of the C64 and its support chips was very competent (as far as it can be, what with the SID's analog components).

I'm hoping that they do the handheld version with built-in screen - that was the part I found to be most attractive of the original pitch, and one can but hope.


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2019, 10:32:57 AM »
Obviously I'm biased, but the Spectrum had the best BASIC at the time. It might not have been as fast as BBC BASIC but by hell it was a lot easier to code for. Not having to constantly look up VDU commands (for the BBC) and POKE addresses (for the C64), along with its sublime string handling made it leagues ahead of the competition.

But then, I am slightly biased. The C64 had some excellent games though.
Yes,  Sinclair BASIC is definitely easier to use and grasp. I'm using BASin a fair amount at the moment to type in old magazine listings. Can't wait for the new version when you're able to get around to it  :) In the meantime, where can I find the latest SpecBAS build?


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2019, 03:12:24 PM »
Obviously I'm biased, but the Spectrum had the best BASIC at the time. It might not have been as fast as BBC BASIC but by hell it was a lot easier to code for. Not having to constantly look up VDU commands (for the BBC) and POKE addresses (for the C64), along with its sublime string handling made it leagues ahead of the competition.

But then, I am slightly biased. The C64 had some excellent games though.
Yes,  Sinclair BASIC is definitely easier to use and grasp. I'm using BASin a fair amount at the moment to type in old magazine listings. Can't wait for the new version when you're able to get around to it  :) In the meantime, where can I find the latest SpecBAS build?

Argh,  sorry. I'm adding a search/replace dialog atm which requires that I modify the syntax highlighter to be able to show highlighted search terms - and as SpecBAS allows you to spread statements over several lines (even in mid-statement) then the editor's line wrapping system had to be upgraded to account for that, which caused a HUGE number of issues... So as soon as that's all done and tested, I'll pop a new release up.


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Re: THE C64 (Maxi)
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2019, 08:52:51 PM »
That's brilliant, thanks D   :)