well what to say ...
mister R is man with two faces ...one presented on bp.org as sensitive & notouchy soul
and other capitalistic which care only about money with his comercial product based
on old original BBC BASIC name and this other inject into other comercial product called
LibertyBasic with tendention to grab some percent of LB users creating hibrid
callled LBBooster...
but it looks simply that he don't have a luck with all this mumbo-jumbo 
Well, I may be wrong but I doubt that Richard makes a fortune from selling BBC BASIC for Windows for the vast sum of £29.99, which incidentally also includes free upgrades for life; not least because there other free versions of BBC BASIC out there, which incidentally Richard advertises on his BBC BASIC web page...
http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcbasic.html ...not to mention his new x86 version, which is also free

However, if this is still all too much for you then of course you have the option of not bothering

As regards LBB, Richard has no commercial interest in attracting LB users since LBB is free. LBB was really intended to show off the capabilities of BBC BASIC for Windows, which LBB is written in.
It does however provide LB users with the option (there is again no-one compelling anyone to use it) of a more stable, bug-free and quicker implementation of the Liberty Basic language that continues to be actively developed; particularly since there is still no sign of the long-awaited Liberty Basic version 5 and the last version 4.5.0 also came supplied with quite a few new bugs!
You pay your money (although in the case of LBB you pay no money

) and you take your choice!