Yes, I tried BB4W and I liked it. I think if I ever break down and actually buy a dialect, I know I'd get my money's worth from BB4W. For lifetime did Richey say? Richey is such a salesman! (Sometimes I think he is Richard himself but Richard wouldn't lavish such praises for D's stuff.

OMG imagine that!

) And I like Richard's dedication to keep his dialect consistent with past versions and I like his integrity remaining true to his ideals.
Being born on the other side of the pond, I grew up with, and fondly miss, an MS dialect of quick basic on a DOS system.
With it (and DOS), I could build a simple editor because I had full range with INKEY of Alt, Ctrl, Shift combinations, here is one aspect of coding that has gone downhill these past 20 years. But there are so many workarounds, I don't think I have to break down and buy something for access to API and assembler. I am probably not a serious enough coder for these advanced features anyway but the real drawback is learning how to take advantage of the extra power purchased for say, 30 pounds which is what $US?
Dang! I though it was past $3... hmmm...
Append: certainly affordable...
but the real cost is the time, isn't it?
and I worry spending so much time with a dialect that is just a shade off with what I grew up with
(but allot closer than Python of course!)

I hope Aurel doesn't kick me out of his forum for disagreeing with him, a little, allot maybe when it comes to people.
I am already in danger for ceasing to try his TOY, sorry Aurel, it's too much work trying to learn other languages and help at SmallBASIC and keep up with other Basics. You know what is going on under the hood and all the changes... I don't have a clue what is a coding bug or a dialect bug.