Author Topic: Space shooter  (Read 5815 times)


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Space shooter
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:28:14 AM »
Here is a simple one:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 03:44:13 PM by B+ »


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2016, 09:57:21 AM »
Interesting and fun :)

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2016, 01:59:47 PM »
Doesn't run for me. :(

It says it can't load some TrueType font...


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2016, 03:04:06 PM »
Doesn't run for me. :(

It says it can't load some TrueType font...

Hmm... I did not load any special font, so there must be a default font floating around in SdlBasic files (or Windows?).

APPEND and EDIT: I have loaded a ttf font file (Ariel version) in with the zip package and setfont in program to that file and it seems to be working OK, so I have repackaged game in opening thread post.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 03:49:00 PM by B+ »


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2016, 03:44:23 PM »
well you can load a font in case of the default not loaded, just setfont("namoeofthefont.ttf"), this way it doesn't gives this error.


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2016, 03:50:10 PM »
Thanks cvirus! I had figured out pretty quick thanks to good sdlBasic docs.


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2016, 03:59:31 PM »
BTW, I should say: unless hit by target, use esc to quit game then high score will be updated for that level.


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2016, 06:05:12 PM »
nisse.dat Are you Swedish?


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2016, 06:16:45 PM »
I am not Swedish and never heard of nisse until:

 :o perhaps one of us has offended a spirit?

The original download might have a Mark.dat file but nisse?  ;D

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2016, 07:27:31 PM »
Oh, thanks for the font B+!

Damn, isn't that thingy just ... viral?! :D


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Escher Space shooter
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2016, 08:49:42 PM »
Thanks for your feedback!

For any brave captain who wants to fly into Escher Space for target practice, I have this code and these instructions:

Save the following code file as: Escher Space Shooter.sdlbas, in the same folder as Space Shooter.
Then rename the Space Shooter.exe file in that folder to: Escher Space Shooter.exe
And you are set to enjoy Escher Space target shooting.

If you don't like Escher Space so much, just rename the exe back to Space shooter.exe

Code: [Select]
'Escher Space Shooter.sdlbas [B+=MGA] 2016-08-10 modified from
' Space shooter.sdlbas  (B+=MGA) 2016-08-13

xmax = 1200 : ymax = 700
setdisplay(xmax, ymax, 32, 1)
setcaption("Escher Space shooter")

' =========================== sound from Johnno's Prototype 5 data
loadsound("explode2.wav", 10)
loadsound("zap2.wav", 11)

cx = xmax / 2 : cy = ymax / 2 : pi = acos(-1) : highScore = "0" : level = 0 : fileName = ""
dim scores[8]
'sSpace setup
es = 50
xTiles = int(xmax / es) + 1
yTiles = int(ymax / es) + 1
dim eSpace[xTiles, yTiles]

function deg(rAngle)
deg = rAngle * 180 / pi
end function

function rad(dAngle)
rad = dAngle * pi / 180
end function

function rand(n1, n2)  ' numbers between n1, n2 inclusive, no worries first and second argument
dim hi, lo
if n1 > n2 then
hi = n1 : lo = n2
hi = n2 : lo = n1
end if
rand = rnd(hi - lo + 2) + lo -1
end function

function textInput(x, y, sz, prompt, fc, bc)
bar(0, y, screenwidth, y + 1.2 * sz)  ' the bar has to be bigger than sz to clear the lower parts of y,p or q
text(x, y, sz, prompt)
k = 0 : rtn = ""
while k <> 13 ' until press enter
k = inkey
while inkey = k : wait(10) : wend
        if k > 31 and k < 127 then
            rtn = rtn + chr(k)
        elseif k=8 or k=127 then ' backspace and delete
            rtn = left(rtn, len(rtn) - 1)
        end if
bar(0, y, screenwidth, y + 1.2 * sz)
text(x, y, sz, prompt + rtn)
textInput = rtn
end function

sub instructions()
    lvl = 0
name = textInput(300, 60, 18, "Hello captain, please type your name for the log and enter. > ", 0xffffff, 0)
fileName = name + ".dat"
if fileExists( fileName) then
open fileName for input as 1
for i=1 to 9
file input #1, hs
scores[i-1] = hs
open fileName for output as 1
for i = 1 to 9
file output #1, str(0)
scores[i-1] = str(0)
end if
text(300, 100, 18, name + ", you have unlimited power for phasers to shoot at targets.")
text(300, 120, 18, "Just lock in and click mouse button, zap... boom!")
text(300, 140, 18, "Get hit once by a target and the game is over!")
text(300, 170, 18, "You need to choose a level of play:")
text(300, 190, 18, "For every increase in level the targets go faster and the")
text(300, 210, 18, "likely-hood of getting hit by a target increases.")

''' johnno's key version (mod MGA) works perfectly!!!!
text(350, 250, 18, "Press a number key 1 to 9 for your level.")
while lvl = 0
        if key(k_1) then : lvl = 1 : end if
if key(k_2) then : lvl = 2 : end if
    if key(k_3) then : lvl = 3 : end if
        if key(k_4) then : lvl = 4 : end if
        if key(k_5) then : lvl = 5 : end if
if key(k_6) then : lvl = 6 : end if
if key(k_7) then : lvl = 7 : end if
    if key(k_8) then : lvl = 8 : end if
        if key(k_9) then : lvl = 9 : end if
highScore = scores[lvl-1]
    text(280, 320, 24, "Level " + str(lvl) + " chosen, your high score for that level is "+ highScore)
level = 2 * int(lvl)
end sub

sub eTile1(xof, yof, dx, dy)
  ink(rgb(0, 30, 30))
  line( 0.2*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.0*dx+xof, 0.2*dy+yof)
  line( 0.4*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.0*dx+xof, 0.8*dy+yof)
  line( 0.6*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.2*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 0.8*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 1.0*dx+xof, 0.2*dy+yof)
  line( 0.0*dx+xof, 0.4*dy+yof, 1.0*dx+xof, 0.8*dy+yof)
  line( 0.0*dx+xof, 0.6*dy+yof, 0.8*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 1.0*dx+xof, 0.4*dy+yof, 0.4*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 1.0*dx+xof, 0.6*dy+yof, 0.6*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
end sub

sub eTile2(xof, yof, dx, dy)
  ink(rgb(0, 30, 30))
  line( 0.2*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 1.0*dx+xof, 0.4*dy+yof)
  line( 0.4*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.0*dx+xof, 0.4*dy+yof)
  line( 0.6*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.0*dx+xof, 0.6*dy+yof)
  line( 0.8*dx+xof, 0.0*dy+yof, 0.4*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 0.0*dx+xof, 0.2*dy+yof, 1.0*dx+xof, 0.6*dy+yof)
  line( 0.0*dx+xof, 0.8*dy+yof, 0.2*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 1.0*dx+xof, 0.2*dy+yof, 0.6*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
  line( 1.0*dx+xof, 0.8*dy+yof, 0.8*dx+xof, 1.0*dy+yof)
end sub

sub drawspace(moving)
bar(0, 0, xmax, ymax)
for yy = 0 to yTiles
for xx = 0 to xTiles
if eSpace[xx, yy] then
etile1( xx * es, yy * es, es, es)
eTile2( xx * es, yy * es, es, es)
end if
if moving then
for yy = 0 to yTiles - 1
for xx = 1 to xTiles - 1
eSpace[xx-1, yy] = eSpace[xx, yy]
for yy = 0 to yTiles -1
eSpace[xTiles - 1, yy] = rand(0, 1)
end if
end sub

sub method3(ex, ey, count)   'from explosions study combine method 1 and 2 = 2 sets of dots
max_dot = 400 : num_dots =401
dim dot_x[num_dots], dot_y[num_dots], dot_dx[num_dots], dot_dy[num_dots], dot_size[num_dots], dot_colr[num_dots]
playsound(10, 1)
dim dots[128,5]
for i = 0 to 127
dots[i, 0] = ex
dots[i, 1] = ey
angle = rnd(360)
dots[i, 2] = cos(angle)
dots[i, 3] = sin(angle)
dots[i, 4] = rand(65, 75)

for i = 0 to max_dot
dot_x[i] = ex
dot_y[i] = ey
angle = (rnd( 10000) / 10000) * 2 * pi
dot_dx[i] = (rnd(9500)/100) * cos(angle)
dot_dy[i] = (rnd(9500)/100) * sin(angle)
dot_size[i] = rnd(3)
shade = rnd(255)
dot_colr[i] = rgb(shade, shade,  shade)

while key(27) =0
counter = counter + 1
for i = 0 to max_dot
if dot_x[i] > 0 and dot_x[i] < xmax and dot_y[i] > 0 and dot_y[i] < ymax  then
counter = counter + 1
fillcircle(dot_x[i], dot_y[i], dot_size[i])
dot_x[i] = dot_x[i] + dot_dx[i]
dot_y[i] = dot_y[i] + dot_dy[i]
end if
for i = 0 to 127
if dots[i, 4] > 0 and dots[i,0] > 0 and dots[i,0] < xmax and dots[i,1] < ymax and dots[i,1] > -100 then  'added more checks
dots[i, 0] = dots[i, 0] + dots[i, 2] * dots[i, 4]
dots[i, 1] = dots[i, 1] + dots[i, 3] * dots[i, 4]
dots[i, 4] = dots[i, 4] - 0.04
shade = 64 + rnd(128)
ink(rgb(shade, shade, shade))
fillcircle(round(dots[i, 0]), round(dots[i, 1]), rnd(7)+1)
end if
if counter >= count then
exit while
end if
end sub

'set up eSpace
for y = 0 to yTiles-1
for x = 0 to xTiles-1
eSpace[x,y] = rand(0, 1)

r = .2 : g = .3 : b = .4 : looper = 0 : hits = 0 : active = 0 : xz = 0 : yz = 0 : hit = 0 : targets = 0 : beemer = 0
while key(27) = 0
looper += 1  'count loops for new targets

'draw target
if looper mod 70 = 0  then  ' new target
active = 1 : targets += 1
side = rand(1, 4)
select case side
case 1 'left
xz = 0 : yz =rand(100, ymax - 100) : dx = rand(3 + level, 6+ level) : dy = rand( (-1*5) - level, 5 + level)
case 2 'right
xz = xmax : yz =rand(100, ymax - 100) : dx = rand( (-1*3) - level, (-1*6) - level ) : dy = rand( (-1*5) - level, 5 + level)
case 3 ' top
xz = rand(100, xmax - 100) : yz = 0 : dx = rand( (-1*6) - level, 6 + level) : dy = rand(1 + level, 5 + level)
case 4 'bottom
xz = rand(100, xmax - 100) : yz = ymax : dx = rand( (-1*6) - level, 6 + level) : dy = rand( (-1*1) - level, (-1*5) - level)
end select
if looper > 1000000 then : looper = 0 : end if
if active then
for rz = 20 to 0 step -5
if rz mod 2 = 0 then : ink(0xff0000) : else : ink(0xffffff) : end if
fillcircle(xz, yz, rz)
xz = xz + dx : yz = yz + dy
end if
end if

'draw craft
ink(rgb(190, 40, 0))
fillcircle(cx, cy, 10)
ink(rgb(190, 150, 90))
fillellipse(cx, cy, 30, 5)
ls = rnd(6)
for light =1 to 12
circle(cx - 36 + 5 * light + ls, cy, 1)

'target sight
mx=mousex : my=mousey
circle(mx, my, 5)
circle(mx, my, 10)
circle(mx, my, 15)
line(mx, my - 20, mx, my + 20)
line(mx - 20, my, mx + 20, my)

'plasma beamer
r += .2 : g += .005 : b += .010
if r > .5 then : r = .02 : end if
if g > .5 then : g = .005 : end if
if b > .5 then : b = .01 : end if
if mousebutton = 1 then  'shoot ray
playsound(11, 0)
dist = ((mx - cx) ^ 2 + (my - cy) ^ 2) ^ .5
if dist > 20 then
if cx - mx = 0 then
if my > cy then
angle = 90
angle = 270
end if
angle = deg( atan(  (cy - my) / (cx - mx)  ) )
if mx < cx then : angle = angle + 180 : end if
end if
end if
ra = deg( atan(21/ dist) )
angle1 = angle - ra
angle2 = angle1 + 2 * ra
for ray =1 to dist
x1 = cx + ray * cos(rad(angle1) )
y1 = cy + ray * sin(rad(angle1) )
x2 = cx + ray * cos(rad(angle2) )
y2 = cy + ray * sin(rad(angle2) )
ink( rgb(127 + 127 * sin(r * ray), 127 + 127 * sin(g * ray), 127 + 127 * sin(b * ray) ) )
line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
line(x2, y2, x1, y1)  'get rid of some holes in beam
beemer = 1
end if
if targets <> 0 then
text(10, 10, 18, "      Hits " + str(hits))
text(950, 10, 18, "Level "+ str(int(level/2) + " High Score "+ highScore))
text(10, 30, 18, " Targets " + str(targets))
text(10, 50, 18, " Percent " + str( int(100 * hits/targets) ))
end if

if abs(mx-xz) < 15 and abs(my-yz) < 15 and beemer = 1 then
if active then
hits += 1
method3(xz, yz, 1000)
active = 0
hit = 1
end if
    end if

'target crashes into ship
if abs(xz-cx) < 30 and abs(yz - cy) < 30 then ' game over
fillcircle(cx, cy, 60)
method3(cx, cy, 2500)
text( 300, 300, 100, "Game Over!")
exit while
end if
beemer = 0
'update scoring
sc = int(100 * hits/targets) : lv = level/2 - 1
if int( scores[lv] ) < sc then
scores[lv] = str(sc)
open fileName for output as 1
for i = 1 to 9
file output #1, scores[i-1]
end if


  • Guest
Re: Space shooter
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2016, 08:54:25 AM »
Haha, sorry, didn't remember that I was required to enter a name the first time I started the game and that I then wrote "nisse". I thought it was a hardcoded filename :D


  • Guest
Re: Space shooter
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2016, 02:09:32 PM »
 Nice work.

  Your new font works good on my computer.


  • Guest
Re: Space shooter
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2016, 05:41:36 PM »
Thanks for feedback, all!

Rick mentioned a speed problem at SdlBasic with just level 1. For my 5+ year old computer, level 1 is like shooting fish in a barrel but for newer faster computers it could be too much. Level 1 should be easy as pie, level 9 very challenging.

I will try an overhaul to make speed at steady fps rate.


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Re: Space shooter
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2016, 04:04:03 AM »
This game is pretty good. I did find a few things that could be polished. First thing is that if you aim at your ship the game crashes because of a divide by zero error. Next thing was something that I personally just thought was irritating and that was the sound effect for the blaster. If you hold the mouse down, the sound effect just drives you insane. But none of this takes a way from what is a fun little diversion. Its also kinda awesome to see what kind of games other people in this community are working on.