'Vargraf.bas for SmallBASIC v12.8 [B+=MGA] 2017-01-04
' from Vargraf.yab, in Galileo's Collection
' Author: Antonio Navarro Andreu, 2009
' Adaptacion del programa 'Variaciones graficas' del n� 3 de la revista ZX
' docu Programa original escrito en Sinclair BASIC para ZX Spectrum.
' 2017-01-04 completely overhauled removing line numbers and read / data for q
' adding two outer loops and coloring, random selections for infinite variety
' dPlaces function created for display of decimal numbers
const s=(min(xmax, ymax))\2 - 25 'to fit in middle of screen
color 15, 0 'for prints
while 1 'new outer loop picks two random numbers
r1 = rnd*100 + 1 : r2 = rnd*100 + 1
for q = 20 to 150 step .1
' added this loop, orig q read from 10 data points 20 to 83
' and showed 10 screens and was done!
f=0 : counter = 0
? "r1 = ";dPlaces(r1,1);" r2 = ";dPlaces(r2,1);" q = ";dPlaces(q,1)
for n=0 to 2*pi+.01 step 2*pi/q
counter +=1 'added for coloring
x=(sin(r1*n))*s+xmax/2 'orig 60 let x=(sin(29*n)+1)*60+68
y=(cos(r2*n))*s+ymax/2 'orig 70 let y=(cos(11*n)+1)*60+28
if f=1 then line a, b, x, y, (counter\16) mod 6 + 9
f=1 : a=x : b=y
delay 70
func dPlaces(number, places)
local ns, dot
ns = str(number) : dot = instr(ns, ".")
if dot then
dPlaces = mid(ns, 1, dot) + mid(ns, dot+1, places)
dPlaces = ns
end if
out of chaos the occasional flash of beauty... (this was cherry picked!)