Author Topic: Kinship  (Read 1272 times)


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« on: April 13, 2018, 05:24:45 PM »

This is a program I did a few years ago. I've done a little work on it and translated it from Spanish into English.

I hope you find it interesting.

Code: [Select]
// Kinship, programmed in Yabasic by Galileo, 06/2011
// Translated to english in 04/2018
// Inspired in classic Prolog examples

// Child/parent relation
data "Anthoni/John", "Anthoni/Joana", "Leonard/John", "Leonard/Joana", "Peter/John", "Bethy/Da. Bethy"
data "Peter/Joana", "Elizabeth/John", "Elizabeth/Joana", "Susan/John", "Susan/Joana", "Alex/Anthoni", "Bethy/Frank"
data "Alex/Bethy", "Alice/Anthoni", "Alice/Bethy", "David/Leonard", "David/Mari", "Laura/Leonard", "Laura/Mari"
data "Bob/Frank", "Bob/Da. Bethy", "Tony/Frank", "Tony/Da. Bethy", ""

numpeople = 10

dim peoples$(numpeople, 2)
dim items$(2)

n = 1

clear screen

read crowd$
if crowd$ = "" then
numpeople = numpeople - 1
end if
void = split(crowd$, items$(), "/")
peoples$(n, 1) = items$(1) : peoples$(n, 2) = items$(2)
n = n + 1
if n > numpeople then
numpeople = numpeople + 1
redim peoples$(numpeople, 2)
end if

solution$ = ""

sub parents$(individual$)
local x, solution$

for x = 1 to numpeople
if peoples$(x, 1) = individual$ then
if solution$ = "" then
solution$ = peoples$(x, 2)
solution$ = solution$ + "," + peoples$(x, 2)
end if
end if
next x
return solution$
end sub

sub childs$(individual$)
local x, solution$

for x = 1 to numpeople
if peoples$(x, 2) = individual$ then
if solution$ = "" then
solution$ = peoples$(x, 1)
solution$ = solution$ + "," + peoples$(x, 1)
end if
end if
next x
return solution$
end sub

sub ancestors$(individual$)
local x, solution$, sol2$

for x = 1 to numpeople
if peoples$(x, 1) = individual$ then
if solution$ = "" then
solution$ = peoples$(x, 2)
solution$ = solution$ + "," + peoples$(x, 2)
end if
sol2$ = ancestors$(peoples$(x, 2))
if sol2$ <> "" then
solution$ = solution$ + "," + sol2$
end if
end if
next x
return solution$
end sub

sub is_ancestor$(person$, forefather$)
if instr(ancestors$(person$), forefather$) then
return "Yes"
return "No"
end if
end sub

sub grandparents$(individual$)
local items$(2), x, n, solution$

solution$ = parents$(individual$)
x = split(solution$, items$(), ",")

solution$ = ""

if x > 0 then
for n = 1 to x
solution$ = solution$ + parents$(items$(n)) + ","
next n

return left$(solution$, len(solution$) - 2)
return ""
end if
end sub

sub siblings$(individual$)
local items$(2), x, i, solution$, ind$

solution$ = parents$(individual$)
x = split(solution$, items$(), ",")

solution$ = ""

if x > 0 then
for i = 1 to numpeople
if (peoples$(i, 1) <> individual$) and ((peoples$(i, 2) = items$(1)) or (peoples$(i, 2) = items$(2))) then
for x = 1 to i
if not instr(solution$, peoples$(i, 1)) then
solution$ = solution$ + peoples$(i, 1) + ","
end if
next x
end if
next i

return left$(solution$, len(solution$) - 1)
return ""
end if
end sub

sub aunties$(individual$)
local items$(2), x, i, solution$, sol2$

solution$ = parents$(individual$)
x = split(solution$, items$(), ",")

solution$ = ""

if x > 0 then
for i = 1 to x
sol2$ = siblings$(items$(i))
if sol2$ <> "" then
solution$ = solution$ + sol2$ + ","
end if
next i

return left$(solution$, len(solution$) - 1)
return ""
end if
end sub

sub cousins$(individual$)
local items$(2), x, i, solution$, sol2$

solution$ = aunties$(individual$)
x = split(solution$, items$(), ",")

solution$ = ""

if x > 0 then
for i = 1 to x
sol2$ = childs$(trim$(items$(i)))
if sol2$ <> "" then
solution$ = solution$ + sol2$ + ","
end if
next i

return left$(solution$, len(solution$) - 1)
return ""
end if
end sub

// Questions to the family database.

sub demonstration(s$, p$)
local c$

if color$ = "" then c$ = "cyan" else c$ = color$ end if
print color(c$) execute$(s$, p$)
end sub

color$ = "yellow"

print "parents of Alice: "; : demonstration("parents$", "Alice")

print "grandparents of David: "; : demonstration("grandparents$", "David")

print "siblings of David: "; : demonstration("siblings$", "David")

print "aunties of Alex: "; : demonstration("aunties$", "Alex")

print "ancestors of David: "; : demonstration("ancestors$", "David")

print "Tony "; : if is_ancestor$("David","Tony") = "No" then print color(color$) "not "; end if : print color(color$) "is"; : print " ancestor of David"

print "childs of Anthoni: "; : demonstration("childs$", "Anthoni")

print "cousins of Alex: "; : demonstration("cousins$", "Alex")
